The Game In Play – By Tao
Each and every person has their own time for waking up, their own destiny, shall we say. Whether it be the one who protests, hacks for truth, watches the environmental disasters, or even those who watch the universal show. We all have our journeys, our paths that we must take. The road that takes us to that purpose as to why we are here.
We teach our children the ways in which we have learned, the way they will need to live their lives as they get older. We have taught ourselves what to eat, what not to eat, and sometimes what to give up completely. We look at reports, charts, maps, and even videos to further our knowledge. We talk with friends and loved ones about what we have learned. Each day finding more and more. We mix and mingle in the crowds when the time calls for it.
Time ticks by as the stories unravel, time getting shorter and shorter. We all ponder upon when THE EVENT, whatever it may be, will take place. In the back of our minds we question the theory of do we have enough of this, will we be mentally ready for that. Some of us have spent years preparing for the day when it all will be revealed. It’s a three way game, funny how it is played. The ELITE, us with the rest of the life sources, and the universe herself. We look to the past to see what has been played, and the possibilities of it being thrown on the table once again.
Each life is dealt into a smaller game in which we all are trying to win. The winner getting to live and for the loser it’s the end. It’s all about how we play and how well we can hide the hand we were dealt. There are days when we fold and wait for the next chance to play this wicked game we call life.