Month: September 2024

Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Sep 15, 2024

Perpetual Force Majeure, Sentry Mode, No Foreign Interference, U.S. Afraid Of Its People, Pardon Me, Government Of Hypocites, Cashing In Ukraine, Hybrid Direct War, Full Scale Digital Ruble, Biden Crime Family, Monopoly Money, Rlog, BTWRLM594, Texas, Court, Strikes, Teen, Content, Ban, Keeps, Digital ID, Big Tech, Fix, AI Panic, Personhood Credentials, Weapon, Oakland, Police, Seize, Tesla, Access, Sentry Mode, Foreign, Attempts, Interfere, Election, None, U.S. Intel, Domestic, Interference, Judge, Delays, Trump, Sentencing, Hush Money, November, Americans, Convicted, Conspiring, Russia, No Evdence, Margarita Simonyan, John F. Kennedy, Punitive, Russian, Media, Truth, RT employee, Beaten, FBI Agents, Raid, Miami, U.S., War, Journalism, Disgrace, Hunter Biden, Guilty, Tax Evasion, Evidence, Meet, Carpet, Naked, Truth, Western, Propagandists, Hypocrites, White House, Harris, Putin, Stand Up, Comedy, Israel, Biden, Regime, Pressure, South Africa, ICJ, Genocide, Palestinian, Found, Dead, Belgium, Hands, Feet, Tied, Suicide, Rothschilds, Сash In, Ukraine, Coup, 2014, Greater, Interest, Loans, IMF, Force Majeure, Resource, Exports, Clobber, Western, Economies, NATO, Long-Range, Missiles, Russian Territory, Declaration of War, Warning, UK, Sanctions, Until, US Collapses, Full-scale, Implementation, Digital Ruble, Sergey Markov, Victoria Nuland, Neocon, Liar, Evidence, Biden, Crime, Family, Neo-Nazi, Junta, China, Detains, Investment, Bankers, Passports, Corruption, Sweep, Make, Monopolies, Great, Again, Sound Money, Gold, Silver, Laws, Russian Agent, Canard, Truth Or Trope

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Sep 15, 2024
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Sep 8, 2024

Expedient Expendable Expropriation, Illegal 2A Rights, Communication Keys, Banana Wars, Slap Happy Sanctions, RussiaGate 2.0, Killing Israelis, Common Cold Cometh, Mental Incapacitation, Beneath The FBI, Strategic Doom, BTWRLM593, 5th Circuit, Illegals, 2A Rights, Unconstitutional, Internet Archive, Loses, Appeal, Copyright, Durov, Salvo, Final Battle, 30-Year War, Privacy, Zimmerman, Abuse Of Law, Musk, Threatens, Brazilian, Government, Assets, Banana Wars, NIH, Unconstitutional Censorship, PETA, Treasury, Sanctions, Rossiya Segodnya, Media Group, RT, Sputnik, Tenet Media, Benny Johnson, Tim Pool, Dave Rubin, Secret, Russian, Influence, Campaign, Dupes, Victims, Luminaries, Lauren Chen, Allegations, Speculation, Russian Asset, Fired, Glen Beck, Disgraceful, Right-Wing, Influencer, Accused, Kremlin, Cash, Ukraine, Anthem, Voter, Database, Expedient, Expeditious, Expendability, Expropriation

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Sep 8, 2024
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Sep 1, 2024

General Exploratory Rummaging, Terrorist Watching, Jabtalities Rising, Neurodegenerative Disease, pHarma or pHeal, CIA Endorsements, Cash is King, All That Rot, Telegram Three-step, Abuse Of Law, Rlog, BTWRLM592, US House, Oversight, Panel, TSA, Tulsi Gabbard, Terror, Watchlist, Geofence, Warrants, Categorically, Unconstitutional, Canada, Conservatives, Push Back, Digital, Dollar, CBDC, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Graphs, All-cause, Mortality, Rising, JABS, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Neurodegenerative, Diseases, Government, Report, Fluoride, Water, Lowered, IQ, Kids, Little Goats, Neurodevelopment, Cognition, How, Vaccines, Cause, Autism, Statins, pHarma, Trash, Research, Mounts, IVERMECTIN, 28, Types, Cancer, Synergize, Sorafenib, Hepatocellular, Carcinoma, Oncogenic, Pathways, US, Repress, Dissent, Home, Global, Hegemony, Slips, Away, Que Mala, Harris, CIA, Endorsement, Democrats, Promise, More, War, Foreign, Intervention, Ukrainian man, Nord Stream, Explosions, Charade, NATO, Relevance, Non-existence, Cash is King, Germans, Uneasy, Looming, Digital, Euro, UK, PM, Deep Rot, Heart, Country, Stench, Appetite, Fish & Chips, Cost, Skyrocket, Pavel Durov, Snowden, Macron, Taking hostages, Communications, Conduit, War, France, Arrest, Warrants, Spring, Six Charges, Paris Prosecutor, Ham Sandwich, War OF Terror, Telegram, Democracy Is For Dupes

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Sep 1, 2024