An Open Letter To ACLU Idaho • Ammon Bundy
That Ammon is a controversial figure, both lionized and vilified in the press will add luster to your organization going to bat for him.
This is to bring the plight of Ammon Bundy to your attention, hoping that you will intercede on his behalf….
Mr Bundy exposed a child trafficking racket in Idaho and the wrongdoers – St Lukes Hospital and the Idaho Child Protective Service – have mounted a ruthless vendetta against him…I won’t go into details here except to say that St Lukes and CPS have gone nuclear in their attack……
There are few more principled or courageous or selfless Americans alive today, very much so worthy of ACLU going to his defense……That Ammon is a controversial figure, both lionized and vilified in the press will add luster to your organization’s going to bat for him…….You can contact Mr Bundy at……
Most sincerely, Norton II…

"Take a look at this people: If not quelled, this has the potential to be yet another Ruby Ridge in Idaho.
There are many very large egos at stake. Ammon Bundy has stood for freedom throughout.
It is time for all to stand down: It is time for St. Lukes to stand down, to drop the lawsuits. It is time for any law enforcement to stand down, to stop the aggression. It is time for Government Officials, Judges and Attorneys to stand down. Stand down, move on. (All) Idahoan’s have been hurt by these actions.
You all work for the Taxpayer and the Taxpayers do not want their employees to show the heavy hand of control, the Taxpayer wants you to use your heads for the benefit of all concerned.
This is not a time for action and you probably wouldn’t like the results if you made Ammon a Martyr. It’s Time for Peace, It’s Time for Calmness.
Ammon Bundy tries to defend Freedom, at minimum this needs to be congratulated.
Be reminded of The Rotary’s Four Way Test: 1.) Is it the truth? 2.) Is it fair to all concerned? 3.) Will it build goodwill and better friendships? 4.) Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
Stand Down Idaho, Stand Down St. Lukes, do what is honorable and correct."
Idaho Sevens: January 18, 2023 at 1:15 PM. idahodispatch(.)com/op-ed-come-no-more-upon-me-a-warning-letter-from-ammon-bundy
Come no more upon me, a warning letter from Ammon Bundy | Area News | People’s Rights – Claim, Use, Defend (peoplesrights(.)org)
Few people have been more willing to speak truth to power and suffer the wrath of those in power than Ammon Bundy.
He's a controversial figure to some but you should take the time to read his letter to the Idaho officials who are ruthlessly seeking to destroy him.