Category: Liberty
An unmarked SUV with a considerable amount of…
All Wars Are Bankers’ Wars
Written and spoken by Michael Rivero. The written…
Background Checks are gun confiscation
If you support background checks for gun or…
Whining versus Resisting by Larken Rose
For all the celebrating that happens on July 4th, the truth is that the vast majority of Americans are scared poopless of the thought of ever NOT DOING WHAT THEY’RE TOLD. So, as loud and whiny as they might get, most will forever remain obedient subjects, “law-abiding taxpayers” who take great pride in how well they obey orders and
“play by the rules.” They think like slaves, act like slaves, and are treated like slaves. Then they complain about it.
NSA Whistleblower Says The Feds Are Gathering Data On Nearly Every US Citizen
The U.S. government has been collecting data on nearly every U.S. citizen and assembling webs of their relationships, National Security Agency whistleblower William Binney told the Hackers On Planet Earth (HOPE) conference last week.
War Machine by Jordan Page
War Machine by Jordan Page. Veterans will be…
Europe’s Self-Inflicted Decline
Every day brings more and more evidence that Obamanomics is failing in Europe. I wrote some “Observations on the European Farce” last week, but the news this morning is even more surreal.
Pot Dispensary Owner Faces Life Sentence for Being Too Profitable
While President Obama made news last week by putting a temporary stop to the deportation of immigrants who’ve resided in the U.S. since childhood, Mike Riggs noted the inconsistency of the administration’s refusal to apply a similar do-no-harm approach to medical marijuana.
Senators Funded By Banks Suck Up To JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon During Hearing About $2 Billion Loss
Imagine if, when suspects were taken before a court to testify, they were able to pay off the judge and jury to make sure there was no serious grilling. Unfortunately, this isn’t a hypothetical. This is the U.S. Senate.
The Roach Motel at the End of the Universe
The Heretic presents.. a stunning piece by Les…