Category: Behind The Woodshed

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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Jan. 29, 2023

Wild And Woolly World, Outta Here, Wash Rinse Repeat, Trust Us, Techno Economy, Terrifying Tech, Excess Mortality, By Thaaat Much, No-Fly Flew, Terror State Scrutiny, Rlog, BTWRLM509, Epstein didn’t kill himself, Maxwell,
Green Comet, atomic spaceships, Asteroid, Hydrogen, Solar Cell, Earth, Inner Core, Reversing, Al Gore, climate alarmism, Profiteer, Davo, FUneral, Fear, Globalization, SWIFT, crypto exchanges, AI Artistry, Human Proteins,
Compulsory moral bioenhancement, FDA, no animal tests, human drug trials, Excess deaths, young adults, Blood clots, Post-Pandemic Life, Ron DeSantis, No Fly List, Hacked, NSA, renew, intelligence authority, Georgia, Antifa,
Cop City, Trained by Israel, Pelosi’s Desk, Sixers, Draconian Treatment

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Jan. 29, 2023
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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Jan. 22, 2023

Grave Insults, Mandate Null Void, Unpunished Assaults, Lunar Attraction, FAA X-cuse, Cost Of Oppression, De facto Deception, Яussia Яesponds, Dehumanization Before Kinetics, Domestic Police Actions, Turning The Scroos, Sanctions Accounting, Cashing In, Rlog, BTWRLM508, Landmark Case, NY Supreme Court, Vaccine Mandate, Health Workers, Null and Void, US judiciary, Stephanie Warriner, China, wolf warrior, Ultimate Supermoon, FAA, ground stoppage, Canada, Flight Entry System, Philippines, Airspace Shut Down, Solar Flare, Radio Blackout, Palestinian flags, foreign minister, Israel, provocations, Revenge, ICJ Appeal, Prison, 35 Female, Opinion Activists, Saudi Arabia, Human Rights Commission, Jacinda Ardern, Jacinda Hollande, Down-right Deceptive, New Zealand, prime minister, Francois Hollande, Donbass Deception, Ukraine, de facto, NATO member, mental quarantine, Russian Army, 1.5 Million, mega-submarine, Nuclear Torpedo, Poseidon, US police killings, LAPD, Officers, Drink and Drive, British police, sex offenses, Escort agencies, Davos, Blackrock Investment Fund, Global Energy Crisis, Goldman Sachs, greenium, ESG, Goodbye, US default, Extraordinary Measures, Debt Ceiling, Putin, better than expected, Bad news, crypto investors, American cash spies, Elon Musk, PayPal, social credit, Twitter, Third-Party App, Developer Access, South Korea, Tesla, False Advertising

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Jan. 22, 2023
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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Jan. 15, 2023

Germ of Deceit, Haploid Hypocracy, Green Realities, Less Jobs More Jabs, Fake Or Fraud, Teen Digital Disorders, Covipologist Scripts, Gaslighting Stoves, Flights of Fancy, Data Integrity Dishonor, Decentralized Disasters, Rlog,
BTWRLM507, John Deere, Louis Rossmann, Right To Repair, food industry, MonSatan, Power Companies, Paying, News Outlets, electric garbage trucks, Snow go, fast-charging, Corvette, Biden, Classified, Buzz Patterson, Third
world, recession, New Zealand, Mpox, Unapproved Vaccine, Hydra, Moronic, Omicron, Kraken, Unleashed, Unnatural, South Africa, mask mandates, Enrique Abud Evereteze, Camila Giorgi, CoviSwindle, Teen Disorders, Social media, Spectrum of abuse, SEATTLE SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1, Mother, cyber bully, VACCINE CRISIS, COMMUNICATION MANUAL, Gas Stoves, Ban, FAA, system outage, Climate Crisis, Racial Equity, Buttigieg, X-flare, sun is crackling, US Korean War Memorial, Digital Drivers License, Battle for Privacy, bitcoin developer, Heist, Ransomware gang, SickKids hospital, Swiss National Bank, Biggest Loss in Its History, Alibaba, Jack Ma, China, Constructive, Seizure

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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Jan. 8, 2023

Disaster Parasites, Mysterious Balance, Tweaking Ignorance, Disaster Capitalism, Digital Bi-polarism, Protectionism, Lower Living Standards, Chosen Tyranny, Crypto Extinction?, Discursive Capital, Crypto Controllers, Extinction Tax, Embargos, Right To Repair, Rlog, BTWRLM506, Solar Radiation Management, tweak the climate, extinction, BlackRock, State Street, Net-Zero, Reconstruction Deal, De-Globalization, globalism, digital ruble, BRICS, lithium, Albania 1, Albania 2, Space X, Space Force, Bankruptcy Wave, Israel, authoritarian state, cryptocurrency ban, Midas Investments, China, digital asset, NFT, digital ID, infrastructure, QR codes, Whole Foods, Amazon, Kill the Barcode, Mass extinction, EU, CO2 tax, Carbon Border Tax, Market Destabilization, coal consumption, breaks record, UK city, climate lockdown, semiconductor blockade, Silicon Fence, Biden Regime, Target, Gun Owners, Omnibus Bill, Tyrannical, California Gun Law, Right To Repair, New York

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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Jan. 1, 2023

DoD Crime Scenes, Newborn Clots, Pandemic Parallax, Lab Rats Я US, NATO Warmongers, US Biolabs Moving, Selling You War, Rlog, BTWRLM505, New Zealand, Custody, Sick Baby, Vaccinated Blood, Transfusion, Newborn, Dies, Pfizer, Blood Clotting, FDA, Katherine Watt, American Domestic Bioterrorism Program, Evidence of Conspiracy, Mass Murder, DOD, HHS, Sasha Latypova, simian virus 40, UK doctors, cancer crisis, Netanyahu, Israel, lab for Pfizer, Joe Rogan moment, Peter Hotez, Hundreds of Millions, vaccine injury, Vaccines, Not Safe, 12 Million Americans, Major Side-Effects, Rasmussen poll, S.4343, WHO, Pandemic Preparedness, Treaty, Serbia, Verge Of War, Kosovo, military exercise, EU membership, US, EU, NATO, European Parliament, Qatar scandal, Kosovo = Ukraine, Military Bio Program, Twitter, anti-Ukraine narratives, German media, stirs, militancy, in society

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Jan. 1, 2023
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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Dec. 25, 2022

No Peace On Earth, JFK AssaCIAns, Abolish The Alphabets, Looming Health Threats, Catastrophic Contagion, Fossil Evolution, Infallible Deceit, ZioNAZIsm, On The War Path, Stormy Clouds, Rlog, BTWRLM504, CIA, Direct Involvement, Assassination, JFK, TwitterFiles, military influence, FBI, abolish, censorship collusion, Rep. James Comer, Google, Facebook, Secret, Twitter Portal, Censor, COVID-19, Content, Lysine, Bell’s Palsy, Jab Harm, crackdown, homeopathy, homeopaths, Life Expectancy, cholera, Anti-vaccine, activism, anti-science aggression, major killing force, globally, Major Meathead, WHO sycophant, Canada, expanding, euthanasia, Catastrophic Contagion, Endless Disease, Johns Hopkins, Next Plandemic, Mystery disease, kills children, Afghanistan, Kissinger, Ukraine, peace proposal, Merkel’s Confession, Minsk Agreements, Lie, Vatican apologizes, Pope Francis, anti-Nazi resolution, Mariupol, Masada, Azov Regiment, PR, Nazi-inspired, US prison guards, UK, deployed troops, NATO, military, stockpiles depleted, Full-Blown War, Russia

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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Dec. 18, 2022

Pretentiously Pretextual Perps, Robot Killed, FBlie, Disinfo Dictatorships, Pavlovian Society, Moral Abomination, What Health Privacy?, CoVinsurrection, Nature Versus Man-made, Green Costs Skyrocket, The Economic War, Rlog, BTWRLM503, S.F., killer robots, police policy, huge backlash, DNC, Seth Rich, FBI, Disinformation Czar, Nina Jankowicz, Foreign Agent, Germany, total dictatorship, EU, freeze assets, RT, Iran, Press TV, Eutelsat, Censorship, BitChute, Bank Accounts, Musk, Bari Weiss, Twitter, Jack Dorsey, Biggest Story Of The Decade, behavioral interventions, warm banks, UK, morality police, Israel, bans, medical equipment, Gaza, American Jewish community, U.N., Surrender, Nuclear Arsenal, Trudeau, Disabled Veteran, EUTHANIZED, National Guard, Bait and Switch, shot, HIPAA, Mask Mandate, Los Angeles, Recurring Threat, Tainted Blood, Blood Transfusions, Unvaccinated Donors, Pure Blood, demand, Clam, Antibiotic, epithelial barrier damage, 5G, depression, Nanoparticles, food additives, babies, womb, food allergies, Dutch, Forcibly Close, 3000 Farms, Green Agenda, Switzerland, EV ban, blackouts, The Dark Origins, Great Reset, Vanguard, climate alliance, net-zero project, 1% of Americans, Russia, Putin, economic war, Ukraine conflict, 2025

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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Dec. 11, 2022

Team Unconscionable, AppLied Bugs, In Bad Faith, TrustCor TrustGod, No Laughing Matter, Compelling, Judicial Censorship, Zioliarensky, War Laundering, Economic Blow-back, Twittergate, Rlog, BTWRLM502, Hyundai, app bugs, hackers, remote, unlock, start cars, Google, drivers license, CIA, Lee Harvey Oswald, JFK, Assassination, TrustCor, king prays, Biblical flood, Saudi Arabia, Babylon Bee, The Onion, Ohio, Parody, Felony, Journalism, Julian Assange, Operation Pelican, UK agents, LGBTQ case, compelling service, involuntary servitude, Speech, DOJ raid, Area 51, YouTube, Monark, Brazil, Sanction, Trump Attorneys, Steele dossier, Azov Battalion, ADL, PR, Persecution, Orthodox Christian, Crackdown, NATO, Directly Participating, modified HIMARS, Russia, shadow fleet, bypass oil, sanctions, Election Interference, TWITTER FILES, Hunter Biden laptop, Elon Musk, Blacklists, Shadow Bans, Unconscionable

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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Dec. 4, 2022

Neuromorphic Digital Biolweaponology, Robo Killer Update, Explosive Residue, Bioweapons Я US, Circling The [Public] Square, Due Process, Hard Times Plunder, Sustainable Behaviors Rewards, Pinching Life Lines, 3rd Party Privacy Invasion, AI At Light Speed, Cyber Police Actions, Token Citizenship, Rlog, BTWRLM501, Deploy, robots, Kill, Foreign Objects, Explosive Residue, Nord Stream, Federal Court, Strikes Down, New York, Gun Control, Lugar Center, Georgia, Pentagon, Bio-weapons, Ukraine, MemoryHole, vaccinated, unvaccinated, children, Developmental delays, asthma, ear infections, gastrointestinal disorders, Twitter, CoVid Policy, antithetical, public square, reach, negative, Contemporary, Scientific Consensus, Myth, Pension, Stealth Tax Raid, Nudge Unit, Banks, track carbon footprint, sustainable behaviors, Credit Card, Emissions Tracker, Chickens Slaughtered, Nebraska, Bird Flu, Pecks, Food Supply, Nutrition labels, broadband internet, Apple, AirDrop, China, Fascism, neuromorphic, computing, NeuRAM, RRAM, analog memory, photonic chip, frequency comb, petabits, per second, electronic skin, Brain Scanning, Happy Workers, Catch Pirate, IPTV, Atlas of Surveillance, EFF, zero-click, Pegasus, surveillance, facial recognition, Digital Dictatorship, Trifecta, DARPA, IARPA, HARPA, national, vaccine card, Slave Class, Tokenized Governance, Synthetic Biology, Digital Health, Identity Scheme, New Zealand, quarantine program, digital ID wallets, Neuromorphic Digital Bioweaponology

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Dec. 4, 2022
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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Nov. 27, 2022

Global Financial Surveillance, Robo Killer, Global War Triggers, Freedom To Communicate, Digital ID To CBDC, Institutional Faith Antidote, Global Cyber Gulag, IHR Spoke Stick, Green Meets Reality, Crypto Carnage, Wheel Barrow Mystery, Digital Hostages, Rlog, BTWRLM500, SFPD, robots, kill, draft policy, global war, Protests online, Paralyzed, iPhones, brains, WeChat, Instagram glitch, suspended, Nigeria Microsoft, digital ID, New York Fed, digital dollar, Pivotal Moment, JPMorgan, DeFi, CBDC, Financial Surveillance, FDA, Ivermectin, Recommendation, Dose of Hope, Detox, mRNA, British, scanning Internet, Europol rules, Digital Vacuum Cleaner, India, TrustCor, G20, digital health certificate, German Energy, Demolish, Wind Turbines, Coal Mining, Bitcoind Mining, Core Scientific, crypto bankruptcy, Crypto Seizure, Winter, Power Cuts, Aggressive Discontent, Emergency Cash, Hyperinflation, Broken Payrolls, Unintended Consequences, Lagarde, Laundering, Immunity, ransomware, Mondelez, Zurich, NotPetya, insurance lawsuit, cybercrime insurance, Swiss, bail out, Cybercriminals, Australia, Institutional Faith

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Nov. 27, 2022