Category: Behind The Woodshed

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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Nov. 20, 2022

Liars Guns and Money, Right To Bare Occupation, Sleight Of Fraud, Mind Blown, The 10 Commendments, Chard Tissue, Green Schism, Volodymyr Liarensky, WTFTX, Digital Humanaires, Rlog, BTWRLM499, Strictest gun control, Chapter 183, Robotic Shotguns, AI-robo guns, West Bank, Ban Handgun Sales, Canada, New York Buyback, 3D-Print Guns, Massive, Covid Reporting Scandal, Bitten, Secret history of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons, Cancer-Causing, Recall, Blood Pressure Medication, Glyphosate killer, Earbuds, Brain Communication, Virtual Reality, Killer Headset, Psychedelics, psilocybin, therapeutic, Failing Global Warming Program, Interfaith, Climate Repentance, Climate Justice, Blasphemy, The 10 Commendments, Jewish values, Stewardship, Adulteration, Bartholomew, Patriarch Kirill, Orthodox Church, UN envoy, fabrication, Viagra-fueled, rape, Russian military strategy, Liarensky, Poland, Anthrax Laboratory, Ukraine, Judicial Watch, FTX, Risky Gambles, WEF Partner, money laundering, Democrats, donations, Crypto Exchange, Regulation, Dogecoin, Doge of War, Twitter bankruptcy, Twitter bankster, Twittertanic, Bankaneer

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Nov. 20, 2022
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Nov. 13, 2022

Madmen Fomenting War, UK Raine of Terror, Provocateurs Я US, Why Attack Hitler?, Itch’n For A Nuk’n, ZioNuked, Intelligence Trappings, Morality Police, 2A Occupation Permit, Rlog, BTWRLM498, UK, EU military scheme, Nuke Tech, Russian MoD, dangerous consequences, provocative, Arctic missile test, ANTI-RUSSIAN, BOT ARMY, Twitter, market economy, anti-Nazi resolution, U.N., Just a Warmup, inadmissibility of nuclear war, Nuclear Weapons, Non-Nuclear Threat, UNGA, Israel, Australia, reverses recognition, Jerusalem, The Five Eyes, FVEY, Mass surveillance, Snowden, illegal, CIA Officer, Frank Snepp, Feeding Disinformation, TikTok, New Mac app, rewind, killing, Mahsa Amini, morality police, Iran, Converging Technologies, Human Performance, Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Information Technology and Cognitive Science, Trans-humanism, Enhanced, Oregon, strictest gun control, Faith leaders, gun legislation

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Nov. 13, 2022
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Nov. 6, 2022

Disseminators of Death, Federal Barratry Institution, FBI, Death Cult Democracy, Countering Covifraud, Capturing Cognitive Infrastructure, BIRGing vs. CORFing – Gaming Groupthink, Pandemic Amnesty, Globalizing Goblins, Chinafication Chinanigans, Sunak Shenanigans, Rlog, BTWRLM497, Seth Rich’s Computer, 66 Years, FBI, Journalist, James Gordon Meek, Disappearance, NYT, Destroying lives, Danger Signal, Leaked Hospital Email, Stillbirths, Child Euthanasia, Canada, Synthetic COVID, Chimeric Strains, Biolabs, Censorship, Suppression, Heterodoxy, Tactics, Counter-Tactics, Police Disinformation, DIGITAL COGNITION, DEMOCRACY INITIATIVE, Cognitive Infrastructure, Perception management, Pentagon, clandestine, psychological operation, Morality, BIRGing, CORFing, Groupthink, Tesla, CureVac, RNA microfactories, Musk, income distribution, China, Global Governance, Carbon Goals, Shared Wealth, Dictatorship, Hu Jintao, Xi, UK council, cashless, digital economy, BlackRock, Derivatives, Blowing Up, Rishi Sunak, Banker, Goldman, Moderna, UK fracking ban, COP27, Western Democracy, Fraud

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Nov. 6, 2022
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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Oct. 30, 2022

Global Hybrid War, Stripe PayPal Crooks, Christian Perronne Exonerated, Court: Vaxx No Prevention, CoFearVid Deception, Biden Vaxx Attack, Influenza RSV Fusion!, Digital ID Decree, Green Gestapo, What’s More Shocking, Accelerating Tyranny, Climate Carny, Sustainable Psychosis, Peaceful Culling, Sootprinting, Rlog, BTWRLM496, Stripe, Substack, Restricted Business, PayPal, $2,500 Fines, Christian Perronne, Covid Repression, professeur Perronne, Chamber Discipline, unvaccinated, backpay, Biological Weapons, Biodefense, First Time, hybrid virus, decree violation, National digital ID, ESG Gestapo, Nitrous oxide, Climate Change police, Wall Street, Netherlands, Mealworms, Bugs, Feed The Children, Child Combat, Innovation Accelerator, Vanderbilt, Nashville, renewable energy, Tom Harris, The Pope, New Economic System, IMF, Insect-Based Food, GMO, NASA, super-emitters, Flint Water, S4090, Dietary Supplement Listing, Australian Bank, Carbon Footprint

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Oct. 30, 2022
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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Oct. 23, 2022

In Living Terror, Sound Minds Silenced, AP Post Misleads, Covid-19 Death Benefit, Counter Action, wRaging War?, NATO Terrorism, US Terror Strategy, CDC Child Abuse, Cool New Virus, UNreal Climate Police, No Climate Crisis, Rlog, BTWRLM495, Posts mislead, COVID, Death Benefit, Australia, delete, PayPal, IRS dragnet, FBI WHISTLEBLOWER, Spirit Of Bastille, French Revolution, Liz Truss, Royal Globalization, Weed, Circle K, Florida, Biden Threat, dividends, Existential Threat is Government, Crimea bridge, Stoltenberg, NATO at war, Sweden Refuses, Nord Stream, Pipeline Fixes, The West, total terrorist warfare, Gold Teeth, Laws of War, Slovenia, Fort Campbell, Kentucky, No Point, Diplomatic Presence, Russia, Danchenko, Acquitted, Trump-Russia Collusion, shield Pfizer, shield Moderna, CDC treason, shots for kids, 80 Percent Mortality, Boston University, Vaccine development, #ThereIsNoVax, Test development, #ThereIsNoTest, chimeric virus, #ThereIsNoTheVirus, Climate Police, Trudeau, Neo-Dictatorship, Winnipeg, Tom Harris, Climate Change Reconsidered II, Fossil Fuels, Michael MANN-made, Global Warming, Tim Ball RIP

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Oct. 23, 2022
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Oct. 16, 2022

All Coming Together, Sound Minds Purge, Land Of Lie$, No Virus No Transmission, UNchecked Scienceless Harms, Cloaking Tyranny, Opposing WHO Treaty, SWIFT TransCryptomation, CryptoThing, Carbon Cool Kids, Kim Kardwhatdidshe?, Global Economic Criminal$, The Fed is Red, Energy Excu$e$, FBI Scandals, Pinpricks Of Blood, Rlog, BTWRLM494, Sound Minds, Purge, Alex Jones, $965 million, Pfizer Exec, never tested, prevent, transmissions, Travel Ban, No Scientific Basis, Males 18-39, Ladapo, DeSantis, millions killed, #ThereIsNoTest, #ThereIsNoTheVirus, SCRAP THE APP, ArriveCAN, Quarantine Camps, New York State, Manmade Pandemics, cryptocurrency, digital dollar, CBDC, TransCryptomation, Carbon Allowance, Economic Behavior, palm payments, SEC, Kim Kardashian, Securities, Bitcoin, Ether, IMF, Federal Reserve, Nobel Criminals, Ben Bernanke, The Fed, Bills Soar, Bombshell evidence, FBI scandal, FBI Lied, Baby DNA, Father, criminal Investigation

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Oct. 16, 2022
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Oct. 9, 2022

Politically Economic Nuking, Operation Shock Therapy, Myth Busted, Disaster Capitalism, Pre-emptive Strike, Kennedy’s Ghost: Bidengeddon, Bleeding Eventually Clot$, UNobtainium, Rlog, BTWRLM493, Nord Stream, Sabotage, U.S. Operation, Jeffrey Sachs, Economist, Sustainable Development, Reagan, CIA, Soviets, Trans-Siberian, Pipeline, Bugs, Psyche!, The Swamp, Putin, Biden, Ziolensky, Nuclear Strike, Bidengeddon, Kennedy’s Ghost, Nuclear Radiation Emergency, Nplate, Romiplostim, Autoimmune Disease, Bleeding, Autopsy Results, GMO Mosquitoes, life expectancy, Plummeting, Vegetable Gardens, National Database, mass poverty, WEF, Liz Truss, SAP, Sustainable, Anti-people, Politician, Stoopid, And Psychopathic, Stoopid Anti-people Politician, Reset

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Oct. 9, 2022
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Oct. 2, 2022

Preposterous, FBI Ordered To, Cardboard Rights, Official Under-reach, Digital Unanonymity Planned, Global Censorship Sociopaths, Whiteout Blackout, Undue Gov Influence, Crosshairs On Germany, War At Home, Rlog, BTWRLM492, Seth Rich, Court Order, FOIA, Julian Assange, WikiLeaks, Homeless, Mobility Scooter, ballot drop boxes, Pirate Site, 6G Radiation, Digital dollar, digital euro, unanonymous, Identifty Verified, Federal Reserve, pilot exercise, ESG, social credit score, digital ID, whipped cream, Global Censorship System, UC-Berkeley Ban, NSO Group, Germany, Nord Stream, NATO, Sabotage, CIA, Russia, Ukraine Annexation, War on Drugs, No Knock, Lies, Killing, Breonna Taylor, sophisticated malware, DenyingCashIsRacism

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Oct. 2, 2022