Category: Behind The Woodshed

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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Aug 11, 2024”

The World Is A Stage, Perpetual Torture, Novel Consequences, Prison Stripes, War Of Terror Fallout, Cause For Coherence, Hunger Games, Behind Britain’s Riots, Impatiently Waiting, False Self-witness, State of Missery, Democracy Manifest Man, Rlog, BTWRLM589, Pentagon, Revoke, Plea, Deal, 9/11, Defendants, ICAN, Demand, FDA, Placebo, Control, Vaccine, Trials, Long-term, Cognitive, Psychiatric, Effects, Jab, Symptoms, Cause, Jabdemic, Horrible Care, Neurological, Disorder, Jennifer Wexton, Congresswoman, Rudimentry, Bionics, AI, Human-machine, Symbiosis, Covid Jabs, Heart Attacks, Dutch, Scientists, Warning, Bill Gates, Self-Amplifying, mRNA, Bio-weapon, Stripe, Account, Locals, Deception, Assimilate, Borg, Federal, Air Marshal, Whistleblower, Tulsi Gabbard, Surveillance, Quiet Skies, Program, Democrat, Party, Lawfare, New Yorkers, Warned, City, Drones, FBI, Raids, Scott Ritter, House, Foreign Agent, Defamation, War, Declared, Putin, Chersonese, Epitome, Baptism, Russia, Christian, Victory, Identity, History, How it Started, Hunger Games, France, Low, Quality, Protein, Olympic, Athletes, Plant-based, Foods, How It’s Going, Olympic Games, Ditch, Woke, Fly-in, Steak, Eggs, Village, Ancient, Olympic Games, Hellenism, Promotions, Britain, Riots, Zionists, Tommy Robertson, Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, Mossad, UK, Dr. David Miller, Islamophobia, Tehran, Iranian Jews, Demand, Revenge, History, Genocide, Israeli, War, Gaza, Mehdi Hasan, Benny Morris, Incriminating, Video, Teenage, Cheerleaders, Witness, Arrested, Outcast, Condemned, Wrongfully, Jailed, Man, 34, Years, Civil rights, Exactions, Equal Rights Under The Law, 42 U.S. Code § 1981, Kamala Harris, Que Mala, Vindictive, Abuse, Power, Prosecutor, Immune, Democracy Manifest, Succulent, Chinese, Meal, Democracy Manifest Man, Death

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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Aug 04, 2024

Riding Broomsticks, Border Control, Torture ISUS, Criminals, Murderers, Terrorists, Premeditated War Escalation, Palace Coupocracy, Multiple Shooters Model, Crypto Capital, Rlog, BTWRLM588, Texas, Win, DOJ, Buoys, Rio Grande, Loophole, Closed, Feds, Search, Phone, Border, Requires, Warrant, Probable Cause, 9/11, Suspects, Plead, Guilty, Avoid, Torture, Maybe, Israeli, Lawmaker, Rape, Hamas, Prisoners, Protesters, Rage, IDF, Detention, Barbarians, Heart of Darkness, Iran, Khamenei, Harsh, Punishment, Israel, Haniyeh, Assassination, Tehran, CIA Agents, Mossad’s Little Helpers, Erdogan, Turkey, Israel, Palestinians, American, Warships, Lebanon, War Pigs, Duck Rows, Sen Graham, Bill, Authorizing, Military, Force, No, Declaration of War, Seymour Hersh, Obama, Kamala, Que Mala, 25th Amendment, Biden, Palace Coup, Coupacracy, Deep State, Democracy, Primaries, Alternatives, Scrutiny, Anti-Democracy, Reigns, Multiple Shooters, John Cullen, Clay Martin, Trump, Assassination, CIA, Civil War, Regime-change, Crypto, Planet, Reserve Currency, Digital, Coins, Russia, Upper House, Crypto Law, Register, Track, Trace, Tax, Extortion, Civil Rights, 42USC1981

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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – July 28, 2024

New Pandora’s Box, Insider Outage, Assassination Plot Exposed, When Antisemitism Is Antisemitic, Seeds Bearing Fruit, Eliminating Evidence, Continuity Of Government, Unfit For Office, Unenforceable Relevance, No Moss, Rlog, BTWRLM587, Crowdstrike, Executive, Sells, Stock, Outage, Secret Service, Iran, Plot, Assassinate, Trump, No Connection, Netanyahu, NATO, Anti-Iranian, Alliance, Pandora’s Box, Middle East, US Democrats, Openly Anti-Semitic, Musk, Antisemitism, Ovation, Applause, Apple Sauce, U.S. Kenesset, Abraham Alliance, Detached, Reality, Abraham Accords, Santanyahoo, USSS, Director, Resigns, Crooks, Androids, iPhones, Hack, Celebrite, Israeli, Company, Continuity of Government, Declassify, Assassination, Attempt, Materials, Bribe, Democratic, Bigwigs, Threatened, Biden, 25th Amendment, Unfit, Cabinet, Dereliction, American, No Trust, Establishment, Biden, Greatest, Domestic, Threat, Russia, Accuses, Media, Collusion, Biden’s health, Israel, ICJ, Ruling, International law, Condemnation, Global, Obligations, Duties, Stop, Noisome, Newsom, Executive Order, Homeless, Removal, Encampments, California, No Housing, Violation, Supreme Court, Decision, Que Mala, Harris, Benefits, Swing States, Canuckistan, Worst, Decline, 40 Years, Canada, 42%, Consider, Emigration

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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – July 21, 2024

Sowing Seeds Of Division, Lawfare Dress-downs, I Am Supposed To Be Dead, FBI Stumped, Making A Killing, Peace And Settlement, War Silos, Trump Technopaths, The Big Club, Anti-cancer Anti-aging, Cyberian Glitch Chaos Lessons, Evil Confessions, Rlog, BTWRLM586, Trump, Classified, Documents, Dismissed, Rep. Massie, Garland, Special Counsel, Jack Smith, Appointment, Unconstitutional, Matt Gaetz, Lawfare, Bulter , Pennsylvania, Assassination, Attempt, Killing Field, Biden, Melania, Speaks, Out, Shooter, Motive, Warp Speed, Killer, BlackRock, Stocks, Shorted, Ontario, COVID, Nasal Swabs, Unlawful, Tennessee, Wildlife, Agency, Historic, Warrantless, Searches, Peace, Orban, Plan, Ukraine, Conflict, Minuteman, ICBM, Sentinel, Delays, JD Vance, Vice President, Republican, Candidate, AIPAC, Israel Lobby, Zionist, Globalist, Peter Thiel, Business, Partner, Palantir, Technopaths, Manhattan Project, AI, Elon Musk, Fallout, First, US, Nuclear Test, Reached, Canada, Putin, Widespread, Adoption, Digital, Ruble, Vanishing Act, China, 40, Banks, Absorbed, Economy, Teetering, Covid, Contracts, Von der Leyen, Corruption, Belarus, World’s, First, Patented, Lung, Cancer, Vaccine, Cuba, Russia, Anti-aging, Cyber, Glitch, Chaos, Worldwide, CrowdStrike, Russiagate, Russia, Unaffected, Israel, Occupier, West Bank, In Providence We Trust

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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – July 14, 2024

Perception Of Legitimacy, Fungus Among Us, Organoid Smarts, Trespassing The J-6, sElection Fairness, Surveillance Fascism, Sustainable Capitulism, Judicial Unintegrity, EU: Extortion Union, Open Season On Peace, Cannibal Directive, Rlog, BTWRLM585, Dark Fungi, Out of Sight, Robot, Human Brain, Organoid, Uses, Arms, AI-Powered, Vending, Machines, Bullets, Ammo, Biometrics, Face, Scan, Grocery Stores, Alabama, Supreme Court, Downgrade, Insurrection, Trespassing, Inhumane, Imprisonment, Voting Rights Act, Section 2, Confidence, Hillary Clinton, 2016 Campaign, Super PAC, Violated, Federal, Election, Rules, FedEx, Secretive, Police Force, Helping, Cops, AI, Car, Surveillance, Network, AfD, Goals, Against Democracy, Bavarian Court, Regime, Prohibits, Members, Owning, Guns, German, People, Extremists, six-day, Work, Week, Greece, Meet, Skids, Russia, India, West, Hypocrisy, Climate, Agenda, Promo, IMF, Eco Levy, Excise Duty, Kenya, Riots, zero, Tolerance, Protests, JPMorgan, Chase, Bank of America, Mega Banks, Conspiracy, Trillion-Dollar, Derivatives, Market, Australian, Judge, Dismissed, COVID, Vaccine, Lawsuit, Paid, By, Pfizer, EU, Lufthansa, Environmental, Charge, Spain, Porn, Passports, Open Season, Peace, Hungary, Orban, War, Horizon, NATO, Expansion, Credibility, Lost, US, Journalist, Hinkle, Zero, Free Speech, Luxembourg, Security, Deal, Ukraine, Protracted, Wars, Pentagon, Israel, Destroyed, All, Gaza, Hospitals, US Support, Approval, Hannibal Directive, Implemented, Haaretz, Cannibal Directive, Killing, Civilians, Counting, Dead, Gaza, Difficult, Essential

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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – July 7, 2024

Ship O’ State Course Corrections, Digital PSA, Medical Fodder, Absolute Immunity, Agency Deference Dethroned, Curbing Agency Theft, No Sid’n Rid’n With Bid’n, Rlog, BTWRLM584, Twins, Autism, Study, Improved, Dramatically, Toxic, Exposure, Vaccine, Environment, Merck, Misled, Gardasil, HPV, Vaccine trial, Dave Dentz, Ivermectin, Hospital, Attempted, Murder, 3 times, Chattanooga, BlueCross, Employee, Vaccine, Refusnik, Jury, Award, Supreme Court, Trump, Immunity, Justice Thomas, Jack Smith, Private Citizen, BBC, Assassination, Row, Satire, Executive, Expedience, MurderMemo, 2010 NDAA, Chevron, Deference, Dethroned, LOPER BRIGHT ENTERPRISES, LNG, Export, Pause, Ban, Rejection, S.E.C., Administrative, Tribunals, Deep State, Biden, Social Media, Coercion, Case, MURTHY, SURGEON GENERAL, Covid-19, Standing, Due Process, Strict, Reading, Law

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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – June 30, 2024

Press Freedom War, Climate More Whether, Zio-CONveniences, Hybrid War Borders, Julian Assange “Freed”, Journalism Persecuted, Lawless Enforcement, Rlog, BTWRLM583, Press, Freedom, War, Accidental, Planet, Cooling, Schrödinger, Cat, Climate, Hot, Cold, Canada, 2023, Wildfires, Emissions, Planes, Rotten, Denmark, Cow, Farts, Tax, Israel, AI, Supercomputer, ADL, Wikipedia, Ban, Bias, Unreliable, Misinformation, Zionism, ultra-Orthodox, Jews, Drafted, Moscow, Summons, US Ambassador, Civilian, Deaths, Sevastopol, Crimea, Attack, US Lawmaker, Condemns, DHS, Secretary, Mayorkas, Salary, Chopping Block, Asset Theft, Arrests, Grounds, War, Medvedev, Diplomatic, Relations, The West, Toilet, Julian Assange, Plea Deal, Freedom, Bad News, Investigative, Journalism, Justice, Isn’t Enough, #FreeAssange, Pardon, @POTUS, Global, US Persecution, South American, Leader, Petro, Invitation, ObamaScare, Unconstitutional, Block, Decline, ICC, Backtracks, Israel, Arrest, Warrant, Due Process, Supreme Court, Limits, Obstruction, Charges, January 6, Rioters

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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – June 23, 2024

International Intrigues, It’s Called Summer, Petrodollar Crosses mBridge, Landmark Alliances, Kiev Thieves, War Lesson Learned, Massive Losses, Treason or Not?, Pentagon Covid Disinfo, Juneteenth Chattel Extortion, Rlog, BTWRLM582, Heat Dome, Temperatures, Petrodollar, Global Trade, mBridge, USD, Bitcoin, Gold, BIS, China, Central Bank, Digital Currency, Iran, Digital Rial, CBDC, Public, Pilot, Phase, North Korea, Russia, Landmark, Strategic, Partnership, Treaty, Putin, Vietnam, Historical, Friendship, Russian, Ships, Cuba, U.S., Medicine, Dose, Ukraine, Organized, Crime, Gold Mine, Troops, Fuel, Black Market, Public Opinion, Controlled, France, Top, General, 4D Chess, Fronts, West, Losing, Kiev, Regime, Tortured, US, Journalist, Death, Blinken, Resign, Deliberate, Accounting, Gimmicks, Support, Biden, War, DHS, Core Values, Mission, Democracy, Treason, Insurrection, United States, vs., Dalmacio Lagnason, Cramer, v. United, States, Pentagon, Secret, Disinfo, Campaign, Covid, Vaccine, Anti-Vax, Attack, Cybersecurity, Threats, Sinovac, Sputnik V, Promotion, Vaccines, Sudden, Infant, Deaths, SIDS, SADS, Sudden, Adult, Deaths, Evidence, Jubilee, Day, Juneteenth, Extortion, 42USC1981, Frederick Douglass, Not So, Honest Abe, Independence Day, Mental, Capture, Light, Chains, Modern, Plantation, Blockchain

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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – June 16, 2024

Infringement Has Remedy, Foreign Imposition, Form 4473, We’re All Abused, Unrealized Losses, Digital Fascisma, Technocrat Utopia, No Good Deed, Ultra Processing, Health Insecurities, Legal Criminals, Rlog, BTWRLM581, Democracy, Hypocrisy, Hunter, Verdict, ATF, Form 4473, National Instant Criminal Background Check, Presumption of Innocence, 2nd Amendment, Title 18, United States Code, The American Law Institute, Abused, Like, Donald Trump, Amazon, Execs, Personally, Liable, Prime, Sign-ups, Unrealized Losses, US, Banking System, FDIC, Brink, Insolvency, Speed, Cameras, Atlanta, Fraud, Extortion, Thousands, Californians, Lose, Jobs, Thanks, Newsom, PR Disaster, Microsoft, Total Recall, Hacker, Tool, Extracts, Data, Recall AI, Yellen, significant risks, AI, Finance, Hackers, Steal, $305M, DMM, Bitcoin, Crypto, Exchange, 3B, Personal Records, Stolen, Background, Check, Firm, Law, Student, Unfairly Disciplined, Breach, Blunder, Deny, Denounce, Delay,Ultra-processed, Foods, Battle, Google’s AI, Stupid, Feeds, Onion, Samsung, Independent, Repair, Shops, Share, Customer Data, Snitch, Disassemble, Private Phones, Britain, Tainted, Blood, Scandal, Killed, Thousands, HIV, Hepatitis, Circuit Court of Appeals, COVID-19, mRNA, Jab, NOT a Vaccine, Atlanta, Prosecutor, Jailed, Stealing, $15m, Covid, Funds, Australian, DNA, CONTAMINATION, Confirmed, Pfizer, Moderna, NOT safe, Humans

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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – June 9, 2024

Democracy The Weapon, BTW PSA, Failed Psych Evals, Fighting Systemic Cancer, Privacy Blunder Bonanza, pHarma Expert$, October Surprise, Carnival Mirror Reflections, Deadly Weapons, Hell-Bent, Hot War, Rlog, BTWRLM580, Play, #TagTheme, Internet, Archive, Wayback, Machine, DDoS, Cyber-attack, Smartphones, Brain Damage, New York, Ban, Sneaky, REAL ID, Domestic, Air Travel, DHS, TSA, Pittsburgh, Police, Candidates, Psychological, Evaluation, Fail, Weight-Loss, Fight, Cancers, NRA, Triumph, Free Speech, Battle, NY Regulator, Google, Privacy, Blunder, Sensitive, Data, Kids, Voices, Covid, Vaccines, Excess, Deaths, Bio-Weapon, Direct, Effect, NIH, Scientists, $710M, Royalties, Drug, Makers, Biden, October surprise, Russia, North Korea, Expired, Zelensky, Ukraine, Illegitimate, President, Escalate, Conflict, Brink, Nuclear War, Scary, Scott Ritter, Habeas Corpus, Trump, Our Democracy, Billionaire, Tycoon, Support, Tax, Increases, U.S., Three-Front, War, Can’t, Handle, One, Democracy, The Republic

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – June 9, 2024