Category: Behind The Woodshed

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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Feb. 07, 2021.

BTWRLM408, The Crime For All Time, Importance of Habeas, P S A Toxic Baby food, Contrary Opinion Is Domestic Terrorism, Pay For Rights or Be Felons, Endless War Shifting Home, Too Healthy To Travel, Perpetual Planned Disease Death, Now Twice As Useless, Donation Month!, Habeas Corpus, Expect Torture, Toxic Heavy Metals, Biden, DHS, Status Quo, DHS Terror Alert Issued, CIA Counterterror Chief, Domestic Insurgents, Gun Control Bill, Felons Overnight, Saudi-led offensive, Yemen, Afghanistan, Nuclear War, Russia, China, PRE-DEPARTURE, Immunity Passports, American Airlines, mRNA, Experimental Injections, Medical Tyranny, TWO Masks, Dr. Anthony Fauci, No Double Mask Data, #PREDEPARTURE, #Felons0vernight, #ExpectT0rture, Rlog

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Feb. 07, 2021.
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Jan. 31, 2021.”

BTWRLM407, Pink Fluffy Unicorns, No Erroneous Predictions, SARS Smiles For Micro-Cam, Downfall Dossier, Biden acCosting Americans, Silver Short Squeeze, Operation Trust Us, Biden’s Hideous Holomodor, Clean Your House First, Domestic Terrorist Я Us, Foreigner In Your Own Land, Harmacological, Harmacology, Trust Test, Dr Pepper, Dr. Fauci, Micrograph, UK Strain, Dr. David E. Martin, Fauci Dossier, vitamin D, Insulin, Q-Anon, Bolshevik, Psy-Op, Engineered Famine, Sustainability, Holomodor, CFAP payments, Existential, Hedonism, Civil Rights, Extortion, Pie-In-The-Sky, Dancing on Rainbows, AG Morrisey, Biden, West Virginia, Separation Of Powers, Tulsi Gabbard, Domestic-Terrorism Bill, Cancel Culture, Mexico, Vigilantes, Rlog

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Jan. 31, 2021.
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Jan. 24, 2021.

BTWRLM406, Peaceful Transition To Tyranny, Eyes To See, Catastrophically Wrong, Trump Retaliation, Outnumbered 10 to 1, The Mandela Deffect, UNity Governance, Miraculous CoViD Medicine, Truth Outing, Intended CoViD Consequences, Important Discussions, ZombAI Apocalypse, Mission Creeps, EYES TO SEE, EARS TO HEAR, Lockdown UNCONSTITUTIONAL, Closed Trump’s Accounts, Deutsche Bank, Memory-Hole, Kamala Harris’, Bad Joke, Biden, Mitt Romney, Ute Indian Tribe, Economy and Sovereignty, Rural America, Ivermectin, Eating WORMS, Life Expectancy, Unemployment, Hank Aaron, Moderna, Reanimate, Mug Shots, Airports, USPS, National Biometric, Rlog

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Jan. 24, 2021.
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Jan. 17, 2021.

BTWRLM405, Busting Omnipotent Moral Busybodies, Freedom Certificates, Injection Of Localized MEnTs, 0 Day 0 Detection, Shackling Free Speech, Capture And Assassinatish, Trump’s Last Stand, UNsavory Common Cold Capers, NWO Declared War, pHarma And DeathJab 2021, Disguised Blessings, Defending Your Rights, Vitamin C Adjunctive Therapy, Just Flu Fearmongering, Governor Recall, Immunity Passports, Brain-Computer Interface, Neurotech Research Initiative, Linux Malware, memfd_create(), Fileless Malware, Antivirus Zero-day, Mozilla Chairwoman, Julian Assange, Extradition Verdict, Capitol Rioters, capture and assassinate, Mike Lindell, DRAKE v. OBAMA, Quo Waranto, Lockdowns, No Clear Benefit, Biden, FEMA, National Guard, Detention Camp, Germany, Spreading in Houston, C.S. Lewis, Mexican Cardinal, NWO, Sudden Death, Louisiana, Woman Convulses, Experimental Pfizer, Oregon, Scaled Back, Mississippi, Vitamin C, Surgeon General, Fearmongering, Recall, California, Gov. Newsom, Rlog

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Jan. 17, 2021.
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Jan. 10, 2021.

BTWRLM404, Republic If You Can Keep It, The Neo-Monarchy, The Woman Beyond The Steps, Race Of Lawyers, A Place, District, Or, Casualty Causes, Electoral Certification Conundrum, Rabid Political Dogs, Fitting Punishment? Ashli Babbitt, Aristocracy Of Monied Corporations, DeathJab Demons, Supplemental DeathJab Info, Ashli Babbitt, Capitol Police, Benjamin Franklin, The Woman, Martial Law, Military jurisdiction, Military Necessity,  Retaliation, Avalon Project, General Orders No. 100, The Lieber Code, Missouri National Guard, DC National Guard, Electoral College Certification, Duck Dynasty, Chewbacca Bikini, Burning of Washington, Floor Brawl, Loeffler, Rand Paul, Democracy, Mob Rule, Clyburn, Electoral Integrity, Vote Harder, Pelosi’s Desk, Pelosi’s Lectern, fur hat and horns, Bison-clad Chief, Monied Corporations, Purge, Aristocracy, Medical Holomodor, Pulmonary Immunopathology, Stem Cells, Genetically Edited In The Body, HCG, WHO, Tetanus Vaks, Strain Gnats-Swallow Kamala, Rlog

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Jan. 10, 2021.
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Jan. 3, 2021.″

BTWRLM403, Inevitable Global TechnoTerror, Censoring Sound Minds, Murder Mystery, Sustainable Sabotage, WHOse Chemistry, Trustless Faithless Resistance, Further Or Fight Fraud, Needle In That Haystack, Down With The Sickness, Concentration Camps Considered, Separated Not Isolated, BAR Reset Culture, Copyright Clubbing Commencing, Ideological Subversion, FearyTales, Askeert, Afeared, Mass Death, Crows, Pigs Catch COVID, Cats, Dogs, Dolphins, Susceptibility, Experimental Infection, Neutralizing Antibody, Surrogate, Biosafety Levels, Glitches Emerge, Hospital Staff Refuse, Wisconsin Pharmacist, Anaphylaxis, PCR Test Cycles, Expose The Fraud, DARK WINTER, Hindsight2020, American Exceptionalism, Surveillance Report, Detention Centers, Case, Contact, Carrier, Subtle Oppression, White Judges, Illegal Streaming, KGB Defector, Rlog

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Jan. 3, 2021.
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Dec. 27, 2020.”

BTWRLM402, American Spirit Giving Up The Ghost, Sauron Eyes Melting Pot, Infrastructure Emergency Exploit, POTUS Pardon Assange, Enemies Within, 1 Pointing 3 Back, No Communicable Isolate, Corruption of Blood, Deceit Primer, Death’s Back Door, WHO Decides Your Health, Man You Fact Erred, Unavoidably Unsafe, Limiting Madness, WHO Stole The Family Jewels, Nashville Explosion, Christmas 2020, Eye of Sauron, AT&T, Federal Reserve Bank, Assange, Tommy Tuberville, Mitch McConnell, Dominion Voting Systems, LIN WOOD, JUDICIARY COMPROMISED, Judy Mikovits, Clint Richardson, Corruption of Blood, TRAIL OF TRUTH, PCR Primer, Naturally Acquired Immunity, Holodomor, Herd Immunity, Unavoidably Unsafe, Late-night Bars, Male Fertility, Rlog

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Dec. 27, 2020.
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Dec. 20, 2020.”

BTWRLM401, Accessories To Criminalism, Wardens Of The Galaxy, Constitutional Chess, Stakeholderism, War Of The Worlds, Adverse Event Monitoring, Regressive Permanence, Highly InCovidsequential, No Jab No Work, Canuckistan Corona Camps, Counter-unintelligence, UFO Patents, Hyper Space, Warp Drive, Space Cadets, Electoral College, Trump, Biden, World Economic Forum, Stakeholder, Stakeholderism, WHO, PCR Problems, Biological Weapons, Safety Monitoring, Biological Products, 13 Deaths, 7 in Placebo, Allergic Reaction, Nurse faints, Myotonic Humans, Pfizer, Moderna, No FDA-approved, Adverse Reactions, Italy, Austria, Belgium, Netherlands, UK, Dangerous Pathogens, Bar Unvaccinated, EEOC, Scofflaw, Your Choice, Ontario Minister, Actress, Quebec City, Secret Corona Facility, #ThereIsNoTest, No American Exceptionalism, Rlog

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Dec. 20, 2020.
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Dec. 13, 2020.″

BTWRLM400, You The Germ Modified Organism, P2P Networking Question, Standing Trump, Omni-impotent Discretion, Judicial Notice, ChimeraJab-20, What Side Effects, Mystery Illness, For The Record, DoD VETerinary ID, Modernized Money Food Housing, Breathlessly Helpless, @BeakerBrowser, Texas Election Lawsuit, Trump, No Wisdom, No Courage!, Victory Against Lockdowns, California Restaurant Association, Preliminary Injunction Awarded, DR. CARRIE MADEJ, Bell’s Palsy, Pfizer, Allergic Reactions, Voluntary-Obligatory, Terminated Due To HIV, 300 In The Hospital, Dr. James Lyons-Weiler, Medical Freedom, Ask The Experts, Oracle Films, C0viLeaks, Modernization, Grocery Stores Shut Down, Millions Americans Lose Homes, Don’t Come Crying, #Germodified, #VictoryAgainst, #DoDVETerinaryID, Rlog

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Dec. 13, 2020.