Category: Behind The Woodshed

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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – September 29, 2019.

BTWRLM338, The Same People Whom, Glyphosate Latte, Killing Care, Rush To Lie To You, Exploiting Your Weakness, Protecting Not You, Countering State Secrets, Civil Rights For What?, Needless Emoting, MonSatan, Roundup, Nestle, Not Cool Beans, Killing Welfare Checks, Polio Vaccination, Prozac, Mass Shooting, Highest-Paid Bureaucrat Lied, Politicians, Hospitals Kidnap You, FBI Subpoenas, Personal Data, Gutted Whistleblower Requirement, Badge-wearing Gang Members, Russian Dolls, ISIS Run By NATO, State Secrets Privilege, Victim Had No Rights, Tactical Doctors, Paramedics, Firefighters, Epstein, Florida, Report Reveals DMVs, Selling Your Personal Info, Northern New Mexico Fear, Firewood, Rlog

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – September 29, 2019.
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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – September 22, 2019.

BTWRLM337, Jurisdictional Climate, Toldja, Climate Data-dumped, Gr€ta Child Abuse, Climate Idiocy, We’ve Been Lying, Radiation Belt Tightening, Sinister Motives Exposed, Jurisdiction, No Link, Cannabis Use, Increased Traffic Risk, Climate Data Scrapped, Model Tyranny Exposed, Gr€ta, Child Abuse, Greta, Fraud, Treason, Global Climate Protests, UN Word of Reason, Spots Changing, Real Reason, Destroying Capitalism, Global Prison, The Method, Warming Scare, IPCC, Radiation Belt, Cosmic Rays, What Lawful Authority, Avoidance, The Beat Down, #Rlog

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – September 22, 2019.
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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – September 15, 2019.

BTWRLM336, Willing Victims Of Bumblehood, FukUzilla Returns, Radiation Avoidance, Iodine Immunity, Taxes From Terrorists?, “Scientific” Train-wrecks, Eat Zantac Not Chicken, Compulsive Disclosure Disorder, Watch That Buzz, Silicon Implants, Radioactive, Fukushima Water, Iodine-129, Irish Sea, Fibrocysts, Seaweed, NRA, 2nd Amendment, International Science, Countermeasure by Accident, De-horNy cAttle, CRISPR technology, Unintended Outcomes, Transgenic Mosquitoes, Cancer-Causing Chemical, California Supreme Court, Police Misconduct, RoboCop, Weed Checkpoints, Higher Buzz, St. Elmo’s Fire, Silicon Valley, Chinese-style, Sillycon Credit System, Rlog

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – September 15, 2019.
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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – September 8, 2019.

BTWRLM335, 911 Made All This, Up In Smoke, Annual Trauma-based Trigger, Mental Infringement, HARPA DARPA Herp Derp, Everything Is Under Control, Reverse Liberty, Presumption Against Innocence, Marijuana Vaping, Contaminant, Deadly Lung Illness, Putin, Bush, 911, White House, Mental Health, Violent People, NRA, Domestic Terrorist, San Francisco, Anti-meme Militia, Election Measures, Supermicro Bug, Virtual USBs, Gun Scope App, Neurocapitalism, Brain-Reading Technology, Terrorist Screening Database, Due Process, Unconstitutional, ELHADY, et al., v. Kable, et al., 2019, Rlog

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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – September 1, 2019.”

BTWRLM334, Talking Is Not Walking, Talk You Americans…Talk, Free Online Access, War at Home and Abroad, Politic Things Are Not Science, Compelled InHuman, Epstein International Close to You, Industrial and Military Radiation Harms, TSA Thugs Can Be Sued, Reauthorizing Mass Spying, Silencing DEA Amtrak Ambush, Dimothenes, Harvard, Military Drills, North Carolina, Zionism Is Antisemitism, Iraq, “Declaration Of War”, Syria’s Air-Defense, Israeli Strikes, Military Contractor, Native American, “Persistent Surveillance”, Snowden, NSA, Targeted Assassinations, Dr Tim Ball, Michael Mann, Climate Lawsuit, Mann-made #GlobalWarming, Proprietary Opinions, CLIMATE FORCING, Our Future is Cold, Sustainabilism, Maurice Strong, Repealing Religious Exemption,  Arizona Lawmaker, Ingredients Side Effects Disclosure, Child Molestation, Contra Costa, Epstein International, Electromagnetic Radiation, Biological Effects, Defense Intelligence Agency, TSA,
Abusive Searches, Mass Spying, Trump, Future Criminals, Amtrak, Don’t Talk to the Police

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – September 1, 2019.
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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – August 25, 2019.”

BTWRLM333, You Pig You!, Knowledge Is Not Power, SOVEREIGN to SERF, IQ Intolerant, Pig-Headed Or Monkey-minded, Increasing Frequency, National Health Crisis: Cops, Red Flag Fraud, National Security Crowbar, Combating Production Extinction, Want To End The Fed?, JAMA Study, Fluoridation, Low IQ, Organic Food Fraud, GMO, Replacement Organs, FCC, Phone Radiation, UPS, Autonomous Trucks, 5G, Police Brutality, Top Causes of Death, California, Phoenix, 1st Amend, Firearm Stripping, Seth Rich, NothingToSeeHere, National Security, FBI, Trump, ESA, EndTheFed, The Protocols, Stalking horses, Plotinus, Rlog

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – August 25, 2019.
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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – August 18, 2019.”

BTWRLM332, How Screwed Are You?, Uncle Screwtape, Screwed Drivers, Living Deliverance, SCOTUS Precedent Declared Wrong, C.S. Lewis, Back in ’42, Microsoft, Intel, Nvidia, AMD, Electra Texas, Deliverance, Missouri, St. Louis, Katherine Anne Dierdorf, Ambry Nichole Schuessler, Michael Waller, Thomas A. Carroll, Pennsylvania, Civil Rights Act, Ku Klux Klan Act, Knick v. Township of Scott, Takings Clause, Fifth Amendment, Tucker Act, “Keeper of  the nation’s conscience”, “the People’s Court.”

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – August 18, 2019.
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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – August 11, 2019.”

BTWRLM331, Planet Of The ???, Due Process Required, Plus Four Perversion, Monkey Man Mind Meld, Bananas and The Prostitute, What This Is Truthfully, Who Won The Pool?, The 6G Super-organism, Gov Kneads You Crazy, No Escaping Military Surveillance, Drug Smuggler For The Children, Due Process, Seize Iran, IRS, Human-monkey, Chimeras, Ethics, China, Spain, Law-and-Order, JEFFREY EPSTEIN, DEAD POOL, 6G, Brain-caliber AI, Wireless Devices, Manipulate Brain Cells, LSD, CIA, French Bread, Pont-Saint-Esprit, France, Israeli, Satellite Internet Surveillance, Pardon, Israeli Drug Smuggler, Alan Dershowitz, Epstein, Children

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – August 11, 2019.
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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – August 4, 2019.

Anti-Responsibility Cults, “A Little Help!”, It’s “Official”, FBI: Domestic Terrorist, Public Interests Press Wikileaks Assange, De-anonymization  Attempts, Uninforming Public, Official Abuses, Lowbrow Louie Or Louise?, Clint Richardson, Rand Paul, Tea Party, FBI, Conspiracy Theories, Domestic Terrorism Threat, mAsses Media, MSM Is A Domestic Terrorism Threat, Garlic Festival, White Supremacy Ideology, Democratic Party Conspiracy, Julian Assange, Seth Rich, Hackers Breach, FSB Contractor, TOR Project, Whistleblower, War Crimes, Geoengineering, Harvard, Stratosphere, Texas Detention, US ARMY, Posse Comitatus, Sex Crimes, Epstein, Nation-Wide Human Trafficking, Low-hanging Fruit, Stolen by CPS, Measles Profits, TV Lowers IQ, Disinformation Susceptibility, Rlog

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – August 4, 2019.
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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – July 28, 2019.

BTWRLM329, Rock Solid Or Sand Quick, Brain Damaging Sonic Crickets, Ticks Too, Don’t Be This Journalist, Brain Scans, Havana, US Embassy Workers, ‘Sonic Attacks’, Powassan Virus Spreads, Terrible Power, U.S. Border Officials, Journalist, Violated My Rights and Privacy, Consent, Americans Excluded, National Security, Lieber Code, Consent, Limits, 1st Amendment Audit, 2nd Amendment Not Here, Administrative Incident, AI, Due Process, Rlog

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – July 28, 2019.