Category: Behind The Woodshed

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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – July 21, 2019.

BTWRLM328, You Are Not A Mere Bystander, PFAS Crisis Exposed, Or Tampered Evidence, Everyone A Terrorist Or Criminal, Death Shall Flee From Them, Neural Surveillance, Kind Neighbors, Knaughtty Profiling, Voluntary Enslavement, States Are Exposed, Toxic Chemicals, Millions Of Americans, Googles, AI, Translations, Extenbro, DNS-changer Trojan, Israeli Firm, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Microsoft, Cloud Server, NSO, Beating Human Heart, Stem Cells, Neural Implant, Camera Feed, Cameras Debunk, Bystander Effect, Experian, Big Brother Watch, Unpaid Lunches, Kids Could Be Taken, Facial Recognition Blacklist, CPS, Predictive Analytics, Journalist, Terrible Power, U.S. Border Officials, Rights And Privacy-ish, #Rlog

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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – July 14, 2019.

BTWRLM327, Water World Rules, Gov Flunkies Hate DNS over HTTPS, Make Laws To Preserve Freedom, There Is A Limit!, Water Isn’t Mann-Made, Two-legged Super Leaches, Family Over State’s “Rights Of Child”, National Recognition, Water Everywhere Not A Drop To Drink, Parasite Economy: [Green] Governance, Two If By Sea, Prison Neighborhood Gridding, Face-off Fight, Gov Flunkies, DNS over HTTPS, Vilify Mozilla, UK ISPs, North Carolina, Right to Try Act, FDA Restrictions, Court Upholds Conviction, No Solid Evidence, Man-Made Climate Change, Chrystia Freeland, Super Elite, Rights Of Child, Poland, Sweden, Expel Russian Dad, Family, Trump, America’s Environmental Leadership, Wildfire, Smoke, Proper Forest Management, Harvest, Flint, EPA, Public Water Systems, Green Capitalism, Monetizing Air, Iran, Oil Tanker, British, Strait of Gibraltar, Neighborhood Gridding, Facial Recognition, Cop on Cop Crime

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – July 14, 2019.
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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – July 07, 2019.

BTWRLM326, Avoiding This Insanity, Holy Green Terror: The Sun!, Wear Your Safety Glasses, War For The Children, UKid Soldiers, Constitutional Felons Update, Lost Morality, Who Owns Your Face?, Avoiding BiGoogle Data, FaceBan, You Need This Law, Stop Public-Private Surveillance Capitalism, DNS-Over-HTTPS Security, NASA, Global Warming, The Sun, World Colding, Climate Change, Mirror Universe, Big Bangs, Scientists, Subatomic Particles, Oregon Governor, Kate Brown-shirt, Divisive Climate, UK, Child Soldiers, Iraq, Vannatta v. Keisling, Immoral Or Scandalous, Trademarks, Ninth Circuit, Facial Recognition, Facebook, Lexis Nexis, Google Products, Somerville, City Council, Florida, Front-yard Garden, Illegal Citizen, Biometric, Voiceprints, Toronto, Google’s Smart City, Wiretap, DNS-Over-HTTPS, Firefox

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – July 07, 2019.
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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – June 30, 2019.

Do Not Be This School Of Fish, Can We Talk, Wowsomeness, Future Fossil Fuel, How Transparent Conspiracies Exist, No Internal Accountability, Black And White Vigilance, Fetus or Non-person, Self-organizing Non-Consciousness, Occupying Misdirection, Donald Trump, Kim Jong Un, Korea, DMZ, Historic, Fossil Capture, Plasticrust, Portugal, Brainwashing Children, Foster Care, Electroshock, DHS, People Of Oregon, Kate Brown, Felon, Campaign Funds, Mini Brains, GPS, Israel, Russia, Syria, Defense Needs, US Navy, UFO Patents, Tech Advances, National Insecurity, BTWRLM325

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – June 30, 2019.
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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – June 23, 2019.

BTWRLM324, You’re al-Alwi Indefinitely, Serious Medical Scam, Cancer-causing Heart Pill, Cesium-137 Emergency, Send Lawyers, Guns & Money, SCOTUS Tapping You Out Indefinitely, Cows On Mars, Face-[Your Sustainable Social Debt]-Books, Surgery Scam, Fake Hardware, Doctor Kickbacks, Pharmacy Warns, FDA, Cancer-Causing Chemical Found, Cesium-137, Radioactive Leak, Harborview, Oregon Republicans, ClimateChange, Green Religion, Gaia Governor Sends Police, Guantánamo Case, Stephen Breyer, U.S. Citizens, Indefinitely Detain, #Murder Memo, Climate Terrorism, Permanent Prisoners, Mars Rover, Methane, Social Debt, Libra, Facebooks, Crypto, Trojan Rabbit

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – June 23, 2019.
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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – June 16, 2019.

BTWRLM323, Go With This Flow, Truth Or Programming, First Amendment, Justice Neil Gorsuch, Truth To Power, Free Speech, Constitutional Republic, Militarized, Weaponized, Immunized, Probed, Beaten, Tasered, Tackled, Searched, Seized, Stripped, Manhandled, Shot, Killed, Almost Absolute Discretion, Almost, Language of Force, Malignant Fiefdoms, 1st Amendment Audit, Mental Cul-de-sac, Every Tyrant You Make, Due Process, Turth2Power

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – June 16, 2019.
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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – June 9, 2019.

BTWRLM322, The Nubbins Of It, Answering The Question, Papers! What Papers?, Censorship Snowballing, Censorship or Psyop, Horrifying Freelance “Mistake”, Army Googled Amazon Wired Earth, No State Control, Anti-Statist, Statist, TSA, Illegal Migrants, Fly Without Papers, Must Show Shall Show, China Bans, The Intercept, Censorship Black Friday, YouTube, Hate Speech Policy, Tim Pool, Left Wing Media, Deplatform Political Rivals, Australian Federal Police, Raid, Journalists, Leaked Documents, Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning, Ecuador, Patino, Path To Freedom, Judge A Disgrace, UK Ambassador, San Francisco, Police Chief Apologizes, Horrifying Raid, Google Earth Steroids, Alexa in Apartments, Alexa in Hotels, Surveillance Cities, Serve Tenants

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – June 9, 2019.
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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – June 2, 2019.

War Abroad At Home; Triggered-happy People, Gaslit Terrorism Я U.S., Constitutional Cannabis Concentration, Judicial Legislation?, Certain Deception, No Remedy Means?, United States of Alcatraz, US Missiles For al-Qaeda, all-CIAduh, Salafi-jihadists, Turkish-backed, Syria, Justice Thomas, SCOTUS, Abortion Punt, Eugenics, Arizona Supreme Court, Medical Marijuana, 420, TSA, CBD Oil, Epilepsy, Ozone, Fraud, China, EPA Cybersecurity, Untracked and Unpatched, NSA Ransomware, Baltimore, Maximize Privacy, Surveillance States

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – June 2, 2019.
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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – May 26, 2019.

BTWRLM320, First Choose One, The First Step, Messiah Psyop?, How Dare Trump!, Outrage Protest, Smelling A Rat In A Polar Bear Costume, Rats, Bears, Fleas, Typhus, NEW Epidemic, Michael Mann-made, Global Warming, Pick Up The Trash, Texas, Pipeline, Protestors, The Guardian, Language of Fraud, Environment, Sky-High, Misprision of Felony, Political Enemies, Trump, MAGA, The Left, The Right, or BehindTheWoodshed

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – May 26, 2019.
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – May 19, 2019.

BTWRLM319, Forensic Omission, Insurrection Act Invocation, Power Felon, Your Safety Last, Merck Vaccine Efficacy Fraud, 3M Insidious Water Pollution, Twitter Moral Hazard, Domestic Military Action, U.S. Borders, PG&E, California, Deadliest Wildfires, Tubbs Fire Report, Camp Fire, SMART Meters, Qui Tam, Merck, Merck Efficacy Fraud MMR Vaccine, FDA, Gov Purchase, Gov Conflict Of Interest, 3M, PFAS Dangers, 3M Water Pollution, Twitter, Vaccine Info Censorship

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – May 19, 2019.