Category: Behind The Woodshed

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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – May 12, 2019.

BTWRLM318, Whom To Trust, This Is Just Absurd?, Whistleblower Alert, Internet Of Swamp Things, Corporate Harm Aversion Stalking, AI Is Facially Wrong, Banned Police Officers, What’s This Authority?, 1 Billion SMART Prisoners, Timbs Toughener, Paradise, Camp Fire, Toxic Cocktail, Alexa, Eavesdropping, Machine Learning, Harm Averse, Vaccinated Shedders, WHO, Merck, CDC, Vaccine Court, Jon Rappapport, Wordpress, Censorship, Facial Recognition, London, Police Misconduct, Kim Foxx, Smollett, Atlantic Council, Rockefeller Foundation, Resilient Cities, Florida, Jim Ficken, Expensive Grass, Dunedin, Timbs, Punitive, Mining Law

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – May 12, 2019.
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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – April 28, 2019.

BTWRLM316, The Silence In Truth, UCCrypto Wyoming, JMD Injunction Enforcement, Stopping Usurpation, Great Health Risks Identified, Reverse Constitutional Threats, Chalking It Up Warrantlessly!, Wild Info, Wyoming, Digital Assets, Constitutional Crisis, International Liability, Gold Mining, Confederate Gulch, Jurisdiction, Enabling Act, 5G, Electromagnetic Field, (EMF), Exposures and the Mechanism, Radiation, Brussels, Cell Site Location, Reverse Warrant, Wrong Man Jailed, Massachusetts, Real-Time, Cell Phone, Location Data, Chalking Parked Car Tires, Fourth Amendment, NYPD, Facial Recognition, Redact

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – April 28, 2019.
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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – April 21, 2019.”

BTWRLM315, Gaping Cognitive Gaps, The Prison You Allow, Alternative: Substance, Skin To Skin, Y’all Are Crazy, Religiously, Vaccine Safety Testing Law, You Didn’t Know WHAT?!, Pharma Harma, Diminished Cognitive Flexibility, Something Fishy Here, High Fructose Fail, Monkey-Man Mind, Undertaking Justice, No Citizen Arrest, Yikes, Disappoints Me, Gold Standard, Fiat Money, Universal Healthcare, Fundamentalism, Brain Damage, DHS, Churches, Texas, Vaccine Safety, Federal Narrative, Aluminum, Microbes, Swap Genes, Gene Triggers, Radio-Genetics, California, Washington, Fish, Seafood, Human Body Louse, High-Fructose Corn Syrup, Colon Cancer, Super-monkeys, QAnonsense, Robertson v US, Judicial Watch, Citizens Arrest, Kidnapping, Rights Cover Up

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – April 21, 2019.
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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – April 14, 2019.″

BTWRLM314, Thou Shalt Not Be Clueless, Seeing Stealthily, Like “Persistent CONtrails” Too, Oughta Be A Right, Right?, Which is Agenda, Global Culling Management, Properizing Police Power, SECret Law!?, Teflon Banking, Digital Dragnet Detail, Japan, F-35, Jet Disappears, Alien Attack, Peculiar Cloud, NASA, AZURE, Trimethylaluminium, Florida, Home Grown, ATSDR Report, Glyphosate, Cancer Risks, Vehicle Pollution, Asthma, 5G, Rockefeller, Climate Resilience, Unvaccinated Children, New York, SEC, Crypto, Crime Spree, Undeniably Priceless, Mega Banks, Tracking Phones, Google, Hot Diggity Doge

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – April 14, 2019.
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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – April 07, 2019.

BTWRLM313, Persistent and Pervasive Threats, Erector-set Legislation, Insane Animal Cruelty, You Are On The Drone Kill List, SnowJob SnowDen, Weaponizing Space, Tangible Beyond Philosophy, DNA Drop-kick, Artificial Ignorance – AI, U.S. Gov White Supremacy, You Are Not Free To Travel The Country, American Journalists, Drone Kill List, Executive Expedience, Murder Memo, Snowden, Intercept, Space Wars, India, Anti-Satellite, Pentagon, Space Junk, Nuclear Rocket in Orbit, DARPA, Liberal World Order, Academics, FamilyTreeDNA, Google’s AI flunked, Un-DeepMind, FBI Director, White Supremacy, US Gov Persistent Pervasive Threat, TSA plans, Papers Please

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – April 07, 2019.
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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – March 31, 2019.

BTWRLM312, Psychotic Psynsationalism Or Psy-Op, Psychotic Performance Art, End The Fed, Set Up For The Take-Down, Aiding And Abetting An Occupier, Global Sustainable Terrorism, Vaccine Induced Gender Confusion, Harm Or Herd, MonSatan, Slayer, J&J, PurDIEe Pharma, University “Science” Fraud, Algorithmic Morality?, Alex Jones, Psychosis, Sandy Hook, Cannabis, Federal Reserve, Gold, Silver, Oregon, Trump Vindication, Mueller, US Taxpayers, Israeli, Laser Weapons, Security Council, Terror Financing, Live-virus Vaccines, MMR, Waterbag Abortions, Xarelto, Duke University, GMO Toxicity, Syngenta, Robot Judge

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – March 31, 2019.
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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – March 24, 2019.

BTWRLM311, The Divine Right of Kakistocracy, Cannabis Banking Disjunctive, CBD, Stand For Legalized Lemonade, Aborting Fetal Parts Industry, Reflexive Lawlessness, Campus Coercion, Devils Blaming God, Manufactured DNA & Databases, Identity Risks, Medical Warfare, In Advance of Ignorance, Mandatory Harm, Oregon, Banking Alternative, Federal Reserve, Cannabis Industry, Texas, Lemonade Stands, Indiana, Aborted Baby Parts, Groundbreaking, Climate Change, Drilling Projects, Trump, Free Speech, Teachers Shot ‘Execution-style’, Sent by God, Save Israel, Mike Pompeo, Invade Iran, The Exodus, Iran’s Jews, Microsoft, Automated DNA, Rwanda, DNA Database, China, Xinjiang, Theft Due to FEMA, Maduro, Medical Supplies, UPS Vaccinations, Merck Lied, Vaccinegate

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – March 24, 2019.
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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – March 17, 2019.”

BTWRLM310, Fiduciary Breaches Are Not Saggy Drawers, Carbon Convict Cricket Quitters, No More Life Support, Foreign And Domestic Genocide, Primary Attack Surface, Be The Exclusion, Public Lands, John D. Dingell, Recreation Act, Geniuses, Start Cuss’n, Yemen Resolution, White House, Trump, Genocide, Congress, National Emergency, Tertiary Sector, Primary Industry, Heart Dagger, Taxpayers, Illegal Immigrants, Mass Surveillance, Terrorism, Tracking Journalists, Breedready Women, Assassination, Parens Patriae, Pater patriae, Ancient Roman Title

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – March 17, 2019.
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – March 10, 2019.

BTWRLM309, Green New Deal Disaster, More Evidence, Raw Wealth Theft, Moon Water, Stakeholder Contamination, FrankenFish Invasion, Brain Food, MDatory Vaccine Opposition, Fetal Estate, Green New Snakeoilternatives, No Carbon Alterative, State’s Rights, The Blues Beat, Dr. Martin Pall, 5G Rollout, Insanity, Public Lands, US Senate, President Trump, Silver Market Manipulation, CFTC, Contaminated Groundwater, Coal Ash Pollution, FrankenFish, As Food, Mandatory Vaccines, GMO, Alabama, Aborted Fetus as a Person, Pro-life Victory, Green New Deal, Bloomberg, Jennifer Lawrence, Save America, Climate Change, Solar And Wind, Nuclear, NO CHARGES, Rape Charges Dropped, Innocent Couple, Military Execution, Achille Police Department

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – March 10, 2019.