Government agents are actively seeking to take away the rights of the people and turn them into privileges
This is a very dangerous slippery slope
Government agents are actively seeking to take away the rights of the people and turn them into privileges.
This means the people have to get permission from government to use them or they have to pay government in order to use them.
This is a very dangerous slippery slope. The right to peacefully assemble and grieve government is directly being taken as it applies to Robert and Melanie Jones. Therefore, it is extremely important that the people of Idaho go and exercise that right in the very location that it was taken.
It’s not about rebellion or troublemaking. It is about exercising a right that is taken so that that right is restored and claimed by the people. 👇👇
Officer Caden Line harassed Robert Jones' daughter, pulling her over 8 times in 3 months. Robert and his wife peacefully protested at the officers house on the street. Nampa police then brutality arrest Robert and his wife Melanie and charged them with felony stocking so no one would ever dare to protest at officer homes again.
Peacefully assembling to redress your government is a protected right under the First Amendment. But it is being attacked like all other rights. This action against Robert and his family should not go unchecked. Robert needs our help.
There is no way that Robert is going to find redress in the courts. It becomes a money game of lawyers and the judge is always protecting the government and the officers.
Our founders knew this would happen because they experienced it themselves and put in the Constitution the First Amendment so that people like Robert can redress officers of the government on public property. That is what he did.
Instead of acknowledging this correct action and dealing with it, Nampa Police brutally arrested him and his wife and charged them with felonies. They will ruin his and her life if the people allow it.