Here’s the deal. Will President Trump do things that we want to see? Short answer. Yes!
BUT…. And it’s a BIG BUT.
Everyone in the world saw the steal in 2020. You did and you KNOW it was stolen. Any person with a brain cell knows that Biden was not the most popular man in history. Right?
J6 was manufactured and blown WAY out of proportion -a witch-hunt- so that no one would ever talk about the electoral college votes ( the real ones) not being read in that election. That’s why everyone was there in the first place. And they went after these Americans and treated them like animals and ruined their lives ( not all the hundreds of Feds dressed up like MAGA to entrap their fellow Americans ) but real citizens - and removed real due process and violated so many Constitutional Amendments that the whole country should have been in an uproar!
And by now, everyone knows we have no control over voting. Winners are picked. For various reasons and purposes.
But here’s the thing.
They don’t rig a race in front of the world like they did so obviously in 2020 and then let the next race go - just for fun- the following election. Just LET the other team win- to be fair? Riiiigght. That would be ludicrous thinking. Good grief. 🤦🏻♀️
Here’s what I think:
They INTENTIONALLY put Biden in to intensify the “crazy”. Not just put in a Dem, but gave us a non lucid, rambling, incoherent President that could only talk about ice cream. Not just a lefty lying Democrat but one that can’t even put a sentence together- who literally walks around in circles and walks off stage mid sentence. Think about that. A hair sniffing weirdo. A joke. And the they attached to him, as his VP the most grotesque, horrible, annoying, deplorable woman they could find on the left, that literally spoke jibberish as her native tongue. Her own party couldn’t stand her. They were both known as the total jokes of their party. They intentionally ruined the lives of Americans in J6 with long egregious, illegal prison sentences after letting people burn down cities with a slap on the wrist. They intensified the trans thing and the gender war, and the DEI on steroids and the trans day announcement on Easter- of all days. They sent boatloads of cash MONTHLY to Ukraine KNOWING the average person would start to question the puppet and the war. Look at what they did in Afghanistan. And they wouldn’t send actual help to Helene! Wouldn’t even visit the border. Did nothing about illegal violent offenders. I could go on and on. They even intentionally waited to throw Kamala in there last minute instead of 18 months ago, so that they could INTENTIONALLY lose the election. She would have lost anyway but they were padding the loss for plausibility/ believability. I do believe they even lied about her numbers to make it look closer than the race ever actually was. Horse faced Whoremala was never going to win. They THREW the race! She even repelled women. lol.
But , WHY? Why do that?
To move the nation to the right- even move Democrats and leftists to the right because the crap show of the last 4 years was THAT bad- even Democrats were ready to vote for the right side to win. Inflation/ Economy / War/ Blovid lockdowns/ shots that harm- just about everything they could do to repel, disgust and get people irate.
Why do you think the media has almost favored Trump? Why do you think that Elon and Zuck and Bezos are all sitting on stage? Tech is ready! Digital tyranny is coming. There is no opposition. Zero. Citizens were so disgusted and broke - any sense of normal would work.
But still…. WHY?????
Because folks- we will accept ANYTHING now. Even MORE talk of shots coming - two days in. ANYTHING.
We are in a psychological operation and don’t even realize it.
I know there are Trump haters out there and I am not on that train. Sorry. If you just sit and hate on Trump- then you’re missing my whole point. It’s honestly NOT about him.
Some have intentions to do evil. Some don’t realize they are doing it. We could debate intentions on this but the fact is- we don’t really know what’s in people’s hearts. Some people get used. It comes in many forms. A few at the very top know ALL the plans and most just know their individual part. It still doesn’t matter. The CIA took over the office of the Presidency 60 years ago. It’s everyone behind Trump.
Executive orders are not legal no matter who is writing them. It is not a delegated power of the Presidency. It was added later for war time emergencies only. Congress passes laws. For example, we don’t need an executive order to define gender- we just need to throw out the illegal exec orders that have already happened And gender - just. Is. It’s not a matter of decree.
Look, we have a love fest going on because we have been so horrified at what has taken place in this country. Socialized medicine, lying, spying, profiteering and woke politicians. It’s awful.
I get it. It feels good now. I can’t stand the leftist lunacy as much as anyone else.
But we can’t just accept all of these unconstitutional things as okay.
For example, we are not getting rid of 21 agencies that spy on us- instead, we just discuss who is the right person to lead them. 🤦🏻♀️ That’s the wrong conversation! It’s that kind of “off track” thinking that needs to addressed. The 21 agencies need to go. And they won’t.
We aren’t “winning” unless we are truly getting rid of most of this bloated power- hungry, cockroach infested DC. And the cockroach infested woke media/news. And the CDC and so on.
The Deep State is not getting rid of the Deep State.
They never have and it won’t happen. And if you are President twice- you are not an “outsider”. I’m sorry- but that would be impossible. There are some smaller things he can do to appease us but the big items- they will move forward. I have over 100 years of history to back that up as fact. We’ve never reclaimed our liberty. Only lost it.
Some things we think we are winning right now are only paper tigers- I’ll discuss that on the show tomorrow.
They are now just disguising an ever-growing bloated government in public/ private partnerships, so we don’t notice. It’s been happening all over the country as well. But federally, it’s right in front of us. Look at yesterday’s 500 Billion dollar deal. And local/state politicians are promised careers and power if they don’t rock the boat and expose it. So they won’t. They just engage in the love fest. And most are woke and love the power. It’s horrid. What these folks are doing to our cities/ counties is grotesque. Public paid for public/ private partnerships is the main goal of the World Economic Forum! It destroys liberty. Everyone is then on the take. It’s infiltrated our whole country.
But the love fest for federal government right now is getting ridiculous. They wanted all election fraud talk Stopped. Check! They wanted us to just think the President will save us now. Check! I think we need to be extremely watchful - calling out every bad move right now. They want us to be complacent. So don’t be.
The worst most egregious government abuses of power have happened when the leftists are in power AND when the right is in power- BOTH. It is NOT one sided -at all- as they want us to believe.
This is not about being pro or anti - anyone. Especially President Trump. It’s not about him. We are trained to focus on one man only. It’s seriously not about him. The President is the mascot. Look at the game going on behind the mascot- on the field!
It’s not about being pessimistic or an optimist, either. In 2025, if we are so wussy that we can’t handle criticism of our own government because you only desire happy thoughts- check your American card and get with the program. We don’t have time for wusses. God didn’t create wusses. Show me in the Bible when the government consisted of the good guys. All through history- government has never been the benevolent answer to anything. And in 2025, we aren’t suddenly being given a reprieve. Good grief!
Look at Congress and the Senate and the 1000’s of bureaucrats who run the show, and the intelligence arms and look at how everyone is all in right now. All supportive. Ready to roll. The deep state- all buddies/ all ready with smiles. Media is not tearing Trump apart like they usually do. It’s awfully quiet. I always will applaud good things being done. That’s fine. But being naive, will not serve us well. All four of those trials ( sham charges- yes) were never actually going to come to fruition. I said that a year and half ago. And everyone thought I was crazy/ stupid because “of course the Deep State was after him” I was told. The cases were part of this pysch operation.
The guy picked to head the treasury $$$$$ is the founding partner of the SOROS Fund! A Rockefeller guy. I wish this was made up, but it’s our reality right now.
Applaud the good that hopefully -God willing - he can do- but HUGE alarm bells should be going off in all of us right now.
( By the way, President Trump ACTUALLY SAID on Monday in his speech after the speech- that “Biden was put in - in 2020- so that we would all see how bad things would truly get”. I kid you not) 😳
Kate Hefley Dalley