Robert LaVoy Finicum ☆ 1/27/61-1/26/16 ☆
Amongst the average, ordinary common man of our time, LaVoy Finicum is perhaps arguably one of our most beloved Patriots who died in the face of tyranny, Standing In The Gap.
"Some things are worth more than your own life, I believe freedom is one of them." ~ LaVoy Finicum "His actions matched his own words…not only did he value his freedom but he valued the freedom of every living soul. His heart had no bounds in it’s capacity for love and he had no boundaries in sharing that love. When he was murdered many were educated, not only by his death but by his family left behind, his teachings on video and by the plethora of hearts he touched when he was alive. He is loved and missed and we will never forget and never stop fighting for Justice for this man who loved God, his family and his freedom." – Melina MacInnis January 26, 2024.