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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – May 05, 2024

Deep Fake Democracy, Fatal Side Effects, War Zone Surveillance, Security Advisories, Extraordinarily Generous Mobsters, Because Democracy!, Deep Fakes, Dugin Deceiver or Duped, Rlog, BTWRLM575, Age Of Euphemism, AstraZeneca, UK High Court, Blood Clot, Brain Damage, COVID, Tests, Kits, Unfit for Public, Fail, Unacceptable, Rate, Department of Health and Social Care, Republic First Bank, Collapse, Harbinger, U.S., Banking Crisis, War Zone, Surveillance, Technology, American, Streets, FCC, Net Neutrality, Government, Intrusion, OpenAI, GPT-4, Exploit, Security, Advisory, Vulnerabilities, Arizona, Rancher, George Alan Kelly, Trial, Deadlocked, Mistrial, Case, Dismissed, Mobsters, Satanyahoo, Blinken, Regional, War, Hamas, IDF, Human Rights, Violations, No Sanctions, Bernie Sanders, Anti-Semitism, Israel, ICC, Ultimatum, Democracy, Ukraine, Refuse, Convention on Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms, US, UK, Total, World at War, Doomsday Plane, RFK Jr., Trump, Democrat plant, AI, Election, Disruption, Deepfake Democracy, YouTube, Fail, Tucker Carlson, Interview, Russian, Philosopher, Aleksandr Dugin, Traditional, Values

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – May 05, 2024
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Feb 25, 2024

Safety And Security Illusions, Backtracking Missteps, Misinformation Misinformers, CoviSwindle Truths, Rebrandsaw PreJunking, Chippies To Chirpies, Clearly A Scandal, On Table Or Menu, Life And Death, Mantle Of Oracle, Chatbot Blunder, Eyeing Loyalty, Frozen Liquid, Rlog, BTWRLM565, Maine, Backtracks, Student, Fingerprints, IdentiMetrics, Biden, Missteps, War in Gaza, Cognitive Impairment, France, Regulate, Influencers, Covid, Vaccine, Study, Neurological, New Zealand, Database, Administrator, Whistleblower, Covid 19, Deaths, Hyperprogressive, Cancers, IgG4, Antibodies, Google, Prebunk, Ads, Quizzing, Viewers, Misinformation, Russia, Blacklist, YouTubers, Fishing Agreement, UK, Barrents Sea, Chippies, Chirpies, Navy, Trident II, Ballistic Missile, Dud, Rafah, Disgrace, ICJ, ICC, Compromised, State Department, Threatens, Congress, Censorship, West, Overly, Optimistic, Ukraine, NATO, War Of Lies, Musk, Nobel Peace Prize, XMail, Coming, Chatbot, Blunder, Air Canada, ChatGPT, Sora, Facial Recognition, New Zealand, Grocery, Stores, Eye-Ball, Scan, Worldcoin, Integrates, Reddit, Telegram, Digital ID, Facebook, Instagram, Gmail, and Xbox, EU, Mass Surveillance, Water, Presence, Asteroid, First Time

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Feb 25, 2024
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Feb 4, 2024

PSYCHOPATHS GONNA PSYCHOPATH, Harms Of Omission, Switching Tactics, Hate Crime The Other, Big Data Brother, King’s Subjects, Trumping Model Mess, Syncopated War Drums, Dangerous Creatures, Beyond Biological Capabilities, Avoid Monopoly Power, Warrantless Global Surveillance, Election Rumble, Mocking Who?, Final Straw, Rlog, BTWRLM562, US Navy, Veterans, Radiation Exposure, CDC, Covid, Myocarditis, Warning, Hushed, Slovakia, Prime Minister, Fico, Inquiry, Covid Circus, Sustainable, Food System, Switch, EU, Hate Speech, Crime, Definitionless, Typo, Geofence, Warrant, Endangered Privacy, 2-minute City, Religious Texts, Surveillance, Hate Crime, Satanic Temple, Display, Iowa, Passion For Christ, Roger Waters, Record Label, Axe, UK, Fish and Chips, at Risk, Russia, Hot Mess, Fani Willis, Trump, Postponement, RFK Jr, Kahn, Pakistan, Specter, Civil War, Biden, Border Policy, Huge Explosion, Official Lies, Genocide Joe, Musk, Neuralink, First, Brain Chip, Implant, Human, Beyond, Biological, Capabilities, Digital ID, Hacker’s Dream, Hungary, Punished, Being Right, EU, Sabotage, Russia, Private, Surveillance, Network, Facial Recognition, NSA, Circumvent, Warrants, US Navy, Bought, Surveillance Data, Adtech, Company, Phones, Active Listening, Capture Voice, Florida, Digital ID, SEC, Targeting, Rumble, Britons, Mock, Warmongering, UK, Defense Secretary, UK Police, Secretly, Passport, Database, Facial Recognition, Since 2019, Polish, Farmers, Full Blockade, Poland-Ukraine, Border

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Feb 4, 2024
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Dec 24, 2023

Amoral Immoral Moral, Warrantless Legislation, Synthetic Undead, Biological Experiments, Energy Web, Revolutionary Discovery, Killing Field Cover, Black Mass, Yemen Principle, Palestinian Cause, No Treason?, The Gaiacidal Re$et, Rlog, BTWRLM556, Missouri, Supreme Court, Strikes, Law, Homelessness, COVID, Mandates, Warrantless, Surveillance, Powers, Organoids, In The News, Cyber, Neural Network, Brain-Scale, Simulations, Human Cells, Living, Robots, DNA, Nanobots, Self-replicate, Jailbreak, Chatbots, Tesla, Whistleblower, Autopilot, Unsafe, Raytheon, DARPA, Wireless, Energy, Revolutionary, Discovery, Potatoes, Nanotech, Marvels, Bifidobacteria, Farmers, Berlin, IDF, Kills, Israelis, White Flag, Satanic, Black Mass, Gaza, Display, Iowa, Capitol, Argentinian, Protesters, ICC, Israel, War Crimes, Yemen, Stare Down, New Imperial Coalition, Pepe Escobar, Houthi, Malcolm X, Quagmire, Death, Despair, Biden, Threat, American, Troops, Ukraine, Politics, BRICS, Ditch, Dollar, SDR, Record, Debt, Developing, Countries, World Bank

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Dec 24, 2023
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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Nov 26, 2023

Belligerent Occupations, Misery To Mystery, CoviDeath CoviHarms, Gulag In A Wallet, Green Realities, Terrorist State, Occupying Forces, Houthi Highjack?, Rlog, BTWRLM552, Bayer, MonSatan, Roundup, Cancer, Trial, Verdict, Mystery, Canine, Disease, Mysterious, Pneumonia, Chinese, Schools, Ministry of Health, Granted, Vaccine, Exemptions, Key Staff, Pilot, Warns, Airline, Industry, Disaster, COVID, Vaccines, Increased Mortality, Canada, Data, Terrifying, Damage, ALL Hearts, Excess Deaths, Army, Letter, Discharge Records, Correction, Recruitment, Woes, EU, Regulations, Digital Identity, Wallets, Web Security, Dark Ages, Aussies, Fume, QR codes, Restaurants, Green Energy, EVs, Auto Execs, Clean Energy, fails, Basic, Economics, Go Green, Go Broke, Climate Change, Criminal Organization, BRICS, Israel, Terrorist, Regime, Mass Death, Gaza Children, Burn Gaza, Law Of Armed Conflict, Palestinian, Resistance, Lawful, Cargo Ship, Car Carrier, Seizure, Red Sea, Mossad, Houthi, Revenge

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Nov 26, 2023
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Jun 25, 2023

Global Information Control, Cosmic Rayality, Authoritarian Abusers, Watermelons And Checkmarks, Offices Of Profit, Child O’ Privilege, Deep Collapse, Integrity Under Pressure, Reminiscing, Emergency Ascent, Distraction Tellers, Rapid Unscheduled Compaction, What You Missed, Lie Upon Lie, Rlog, BTWRLM530, Earthquakes, Cosmic Radiation, Despicable, Pupils, Veteran, Terrorism, Risk Score, Pentagon, General, Embarrassment, FDA, Misinformation, State Department, Doublespeak, Ukraine, Propaganda, Machine, BlackRock, Recruiter, War Good For Business, James O’Keefe, Hunter Biden, Dodge, Delaying, Divulging, Denying, Whistleblower, Inverted Yield Curve, Deep, Recession, Deep Disaster, OceanGate, Titanic, Titan, Implosion, Coast Guard, submersible, video game controller, Satellites, Elon Musk, Wifi, Cycle Fatigue, Robert Ballard, FLIP, Styrofoam Cups, Squoze, Emergency Ascent System, Out of Oxygen, #RapidUnscheduledCompaction, Navy Sensors, Sunday, COVID, vaccine, mandates, lie, 18USC3, 18USC4, Misprision, Accessory, Felony, Concealment

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Jun 25, 2023