Tag: LowerBirthRates

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Grammy’s Rocket Chair Podcast Blog – 2019-04-19 – #Depopulation #Agenda21 #Glyphosate #WWG1WGA #Ferengi

Ya ever get the feeling We’ve ALREADY been Invaded by Aliens??? I’m not talk’n about Individuals from Other Places on This World….. I’m Talk’n about Creatures from “Out There”! (Wherever Out There Is….)

Mind You, Their Disguise is GOOD….. They Look Like Us…… Some of them Act Like Us….. They Even Use OUR Language…… although the Words have Different Meanings for Them….. and when They Put Them on Paper, They Agree Amongst Themselves as to How & When Those Words Apply to US……. and They even have the Majority of Us “Willingly” Going Along with Them & Participating in Their “Staged Production”…… Here, Let’s put some Dots Together…….

Continue Reading Grammy’s Rocket Chair Podcast Blog – 2019-04-19 – #Depopulation #Agenda21 #Glyphosate #WWG1WGA #Ferengi