Tag: Oregon CensorShip

Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – May 31, 2020.

BTWRLM372, The Quarantine Key, Avoid This, Outrage Hypocrisy, DNA or mRNA, Military Empire, OopSieDC!, No Lock-down Elsewhere, Rockefeller Action Plan, Crime Soars, Texas Axes, Oregon CensorShip, Arbitrary Fraud, Writ of Habeas Corpus, AnonDependent, Door to Door, Collect Your DNA, Perpetual State of Emergency, Florida PD Busted Laundering, Lockdowns, Mass Casualty Incident,  Influenza Deaths, Request for Correction, Japan Ends Emergency, JEE, Public Health Strategy, Police Powers of the State, NZ Gun Crime, Gun Bans, No Pandemic Exception, Mail Balloting, Republican Ballot Scandal, Judge Blasts Pritzker, Rlog

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