Tag: Serbia

Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Aug 20, 2023

EchoBorg Bullies, Cyranoid, Brick Meet Wall, Assange Diversion, Special Counsel Haunter, J6 Evidence Tampering, Don The Don, Election Tampering, Peace-keeper Coups, Monstrous Modernizers, DoD Driven Disease, CoviFallout, Rlog, BTWRLM538, Karine Jean-Pierre, Press Secretary, Cyranoid, Artificial Intelligence, Echoborg, Hybrid Human Agents, Stanley Milgram, Neuroscientists, Re-create, Pink Floyd, Wall bricks, Murdoch Dating, Plea Bargain, Julian Assange, Placate, Special Counsel, Hunter Biden, Unlawful, Wrong Things, Biden Probe, AG Garland, 28 CFR § 600.3, Qualifications, David C. Weiss, January 6 Committee, Destroyed, Evidence, Donald Trump, Georgia Indictment, Mafia Boss, Indictment, Brazil, Banned, Bolsonaro, Election, Ecuador, Assassinations, Killing Gaddafi, Serious Mistake, Niger Coup, Commanders, ECOWAS, Money Launderer, United Nations, Operation in the Congo, Trudeau, China, Lab-grown Meat, Modernization, Technological Change, Industrial Transformation, US Biolabs in Ukraine, Global Biological Crisis, Pentagon, Panel, Readiness, Biological Threats, Lugar Biolab, RFK Jr., Europe, Fallout, Ukrainian Events, Croatia, Serbia, Hungary, Coronavirus, Full Vaccination Rate, FDA, Ivermectin, command, Not Advice, No Medical Advice, Doctor, Patient, Privacy

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Aug 20, 2023
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Jan. 1, 2023

DoD Crime Scenes, Newborn Clots, Pandemic Parallax, Lab Rats Я US, NATO Warmongers, US Biolabs Moving, Selling You War, Rlog, BTWRLM505, New Zealand, Custody, Sick Baby, Vaccinated Blood, Transfusion, Newborn, Dies, Pfizer, Blood Clotting, FDA, Katherine Watt, American Domestic Bioterrorism Program, Evidence of Conspiracy, Mass Murder, DOD, HHS, Sasha Latypova, simian virus 40, UK doctors, cancer crisis, Netanyahu, Israel, lab for Pfizer, Joe Rogan moment, Peter Hotez, Hundreds of Millions, vaccine injury, Vaccines, Not Safe, 12 Million Americans, Major Side-Effects, Rasmussen poll, S.4343, WHO, Pandemic Preparedness, Treaty, Serbia, Verge Of War, Kosovo, military exercise, EU membership, US, EU, NATO, European Parliament, Qatar scandal, Kosovo = Ukraine, Military Bio Program, Twitter, anti-Ukraine narratives, German media, stirs, militancy, in society

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Jan. 1, 2023
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – May 29, 2022

Killing Innocence Profitably, Massacres On Schedule, Ruby Ridge Redux, Cops Misappropriate Funds, Warrantless Surveillance, Undetectable MoneyPox, Gates7+ Bio-weapon Attacks, Reset Kill Phase, Global Pain Plan, Neutral Means Neutral, Zio-NAZI Embrace, US Unconscionability Profits Russia, It Is Bad When, Animal Persons, Twittertanic $150Mil Ride, Rlog, BTWRLM475, Uvalde, Mass Shooting, Randy Weaver, Ruby Ridge, Court Rules, Highland Park, Tennessee, Private Property, Wildlife Officers, DHS Surveillance, Profiling, MoneyPox, Monkeypox, BARDA, Serbia, Pandemic Readiness, Bill Gates, Technocrat Plan, Global Takeover, Deagel, Global Population, Pain, Suffer, Global Transition, GAZPROM, Russia, Ukraine, Kissinger, WEF, Klaus Schwab, Digital Currency, Tesla, Russian Oil, Somalia, Bezos, Biden, Misdirection, NATO War, Twittertanic, Phone Numbers, Target Ads

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – May 29, 2022