Tag: WEF

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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Feb 11, 2024

License To Kill, Hog Tied InjustUs, No Accountability, Undue Influence, Iran Did It, MI6 Molfar Killabase, Putin Interview Event, Ne’er-do-well Nuland, Clear Russia Victory, US Striking Anti-ISIS, Sacred Security, Age Of Chaos, Serendipitous Ignorance, Predictive CoviCancer, Rlog, BTWRLM563, Hog-tying, Police, Policy, US Senate, Rejects, Human Rights, Report, Israel, 30 Hostages, Hamas, Confirmed, Dead, No Cause, MICIMATT, Party, Imran Khan, CIA, Trump, US Taxpayers, WEF, Powerful, Israeli Lobby, Blocking, US Withdrawal, Iranian targets, Molfar, Databse, Assassination, Tucker Carlson, Interview, Putin, Historic, Proposed Sanctions, EU, Not Yet, Zelensky, New Delusion, Nuland, Kiev, Bakery, Murders, ICJ, Russia, Victory, Proof, War on Terror, Sham, War With Iran, German, Military, Document, Countdown, World War III, Age of Chaos, Dwarf-Galaxy, Upending, Conventional, Wisdom, Predictive, Cancer, Cases, Set, Soar

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Feb 11, 2024
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Jan 07, 2024

Subverting The Republic, Sound Minds, Ill Nois, Epstein Files, Operation Compromise, Trump Justice, Predictable, Censorshipmanship, Similar Goals?, Rlog, BTWRLM558, Ukraine, Can Win, New Stage, Gaza War, Troop Withdrawal, ISP, Assault Weapons, Ban, Rules, Illinois, Machines, Key Actors, Court, Epstein Files, Unsealed, High-end, Sex Ring, Honeypot, Pedo island, Jeffrey Epstein, Israeli Spies, Mega, Trump, Supporters, Storm, Bomb Threats, Mass Evacuations, 1860, Scale, National Breakdown, Ballot, Bans, WEF, UN, Regulate, Free Speech, Online, Google, Deal, Canada, C-18, Elon Musk, Decolonization, River to the Sea, Ban, Global Sewer, Social Media, International law, Violators, Russia, Genocide, Lavrov, Translation, South Africa, The Hague, Genocide Complaint, Caboose of Corruption

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Jan 07, 2024
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Jun 4, 2023

New Global Realignment, Buy-in Beware, Climate Czar Criminal, Worthless Offsets, Stakeholder Corruptism, Insanity or Self Hate, Controlling Controls, UNanonymity, Run No Hide, Surveillance Assistants, AI Operator Whacked, Rlog, BTWRLM527, Buyer Beware, SanDisk, Extreme SSD, World, Precipice, John Kerry, Declares War, US Farmers, treason, Trust Breach, Climate Czar, Criminal, Climate Conman, WEF, Klaus Schwab, Chris Whitty, Finnish, Nuclear Plant, Prices Plunge, Jail white men, Jane Fonda, El Nino, Club Of Rome, Climate Hysteria, Global Governance, Secret, Bilderberg, 1954, Knights of Columbus, Under God, Pledge of Allegiance, Holy See, Behavioral Codes, Disinformation Experts, CBDC Rollouts, Samsung, Bank Of England, Fintech, Anonymity, Public Policy Problem, EARN Act, RESTRICT Act, Meta, Billion Dollar, EU fine, IRS, Secretly, Your Bank Records, Fair Share, Equal Rights, Extortion, Microsoft, Visa, CBDC Plot, Bluetooth, Android, tracking network, Neuralink, FDA, Human Trials, needless deaths, Animals, ChatGPT, Escape, Lawyer, legal sanctions, AI, ‘Killed’, Human Operator, Sound-bite stumping, Kennedy

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Jun 4, 2023
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – May 14, 2023

End Of History?, BTW Blogcaster Blocked?, Mexican Standoffish, Cali Debt Dump, New Reserve Currency, Twitteranopticon, Fintech Futures, Global Christian Persecution, Jesuit Protection, Untraceable Sources Censorship, Traceable Trudeau Threat, Capitalism Canard, Green Extortion, Birds Of A Feather, Rose Colored Glasses, Rlog, BTWRLM524, Paris, Block Websites, Sputnik, RT France, Title 42, Expires, Biden, Restores, Debt Ceiling, Circus, Clowns, California Defaults, Employers, Pay, Russia, China, Dollar dominance, BRICS, SDR, Hold My Beer, Musk, WhatsApp, NBCUniversal’s Linda Yaccarino, Twitter, CEO, WEF, Entertainment, Fintech, Apple, Savings Accounts, Global, Digital, PanoptiCon, JPMorgan, Political, Ideological, Censorship, Christian Persecution, India violence, Israeli, Palestinian Christians, Jewish supremacist, Eastern Orthodoxy, Ukraine, Truth of Jesus, ethics, morals, integrity, truth, knowledge, brotherhood, harmony, justice, God’s natural law, Jesuit, team, attacked, Manipur, Protected, Extreme Oath of Induction, Untraceable Sources, Canada, Press Freedom, The Plot, Bill C-11, CSIS, MP Michael Chong, LILLEY, Trudeau knew, Public Health Agency, toppling, capitalism, liberty, Climate Change, Deniers, Skeptics, Jail, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Hillary Clinton, Global Warming, Totalitarian Controls, NOAA, El Nino, lied to, carbon, Trillion Dollars, Clean Energy, Subsidies, Debt Ceiling, Profitability, Problem, Power Blackouts, Jon Rappoport, REAL, Presidential campaign

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – May 14, 2023
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Mar 26, 2023

The Token Citizen, Core Values, Trump Theater, Might You Know Someone?, Fee Money, Yokenized Citizens, Kosher Ceasar, Shared Debt, Cash Didn’t Kill Itself, Lawful Money, Ghostly Destroyer, pHarma Fallout, Chemical Disaster Warning, CoviSwindle Centralization, None Are Safe, #Rlog, BTWRLM517, Idaho Supreme Court, Drug Dog, Trespass, U.S. AfriCom, Core Values, Coup Leaders, Trump, arrest, Theater, Popcorn, JustUs system, two-tier, Proud Boys, J6, Exculpatory, FBI, Destroy Evidence, $1.5 Million, Gold claim, MineProperty@proton.me, Fed Hikes, Yellen, Everything Is fine, guarantee, bank deposits, Musk, Deceiving Depositors, Tight Money, FedNow, Instant Payments, CBDC, Ceasar, Ziopaths, Ides of March, Roman history, Swiss bank, bailout, Deutsche Bank, WEF, end of cash, Cashless, inevitable, JPMorgan, Sex Trafficking, Epstein, expiring money, Programmable Currency, Token Citizen, Not 420, Russia, unSWIFT, DeSantis, central bank digital currency, gold and silver Coin, Tender, DNA contamination, exosomes, MicroRNAs, immune suppression, Drug-Resistant, Fungus, Spreads, Covid Apology, Government Goo, Chemical Disaster, 9/11 Victims, East Palestine, Toxic Train, Trudeau, Emergencies Act, Australia, digital ID, France, biometric, medical ID, Germany, EU, Chat control, client-side scanning, Resistance, Tucker Carlson, Anya Parampil, NSA, WHO, surveillance powers

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Mar 26, 2023
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Oct. 9, 2022

Politically Economic Nuking, Operation Shock Therapy, Myth Busted, Disaster Capitalism, Pre-emptive Strike, Kennedy’s Ghost: Bidengeddon, Bleeding Eventually Clot$, UNobtainium, Rlog, BTWRLM493, Nord Stream, Sabotage, U.S. Operation, Jeffrey Sachs, Economist, Sustainable Development, Reagan, CIA, Soviets, Trans-Siberian, Pipeline, Bugs, Psyche!, The Swamp, Putin, Biden, Ziolensky, Nuclear Strike, Bidengeddon, Kennedy’s Ghost, Nuclear Radiation Emergency, Nplate, Romiplostim, Autoimmune Disease, Bleeding, Autopsy Results, GMO Mosquitoes, life expectancy, Plummeting, Vegetable Gardens, National Database, mass poverty, WEF, Liz Truss, SAP, Sustainable, Anti-people, Politician, Stoopid, And Psychopathic, Stoopid Anti-people Politician, Reset

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Oct. 9, 2022
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – July 31, 2022.


Who Asked You?, Vindication!, Life Reduction Plan, Reality Roosters, Spitting Into Hurricanes, Self-help Or Slavery, Future Reformation, Brits Extended Torture, Toilet Paper Shortage, Fate Of Biden, Spooky Scary Events, Trumping America, NATO: Global Arsonist, DNA Biowarfare Eco-system, Rlog, BTWRLM484, Pastor Artur Pawlowski, Historic Settlement, Pope Francis, Historic Apology, Indigenous leaders, Canada, Trudeau, WEF, Nitrogen Reduction, Alex Newman, UN Agenda 2030, Farming Restrictions, Davos Elite Plan, Cow Dung, Russian Fuel, Gazprom, Pipeline Turbine, Orban, sanctions, Moscow, Europe, Political Crisis, ession, Global Food, Systems Collapse, Rogue Government, Ecuador, Lavrov, Continent of the Future, Mir Payment, Iran, Putin, Crypto Ban, Bipolar, fish ‘n’ chips, Tory Leader, Biden, Panicking, Simpsons Prediction, Halloween Candy, State Sponsor of Terrorism, ̶A̶s̶s̶a̶u̶l̶t̶ Defense Weapons, Private Protection Appliance, Shall Not Infringe, Trump, USSR, Klaus Schwab, Fantastic Job, Joe Manchin, Chuck Schumer, Climate, Energy, Taxes, NATO, Churchill, Defenseless Civilians, Dresden, Journo, Ukrainian Hit List, Bellingcat, DNA biowarfare, Digital ID

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – July 31, 2022.
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – July 24, 2022.


Essence Of Aji, Holy Mackerel!, Universal Misdirection, Force Majeure Starvation, Thanks 2A Hero, Global Thug Exceptionalism, Doing Well Scam, Censorship Counter Offensive, Vulnerable Communities, MoneyPox, Death By DNAture, ArriveCANuckistan App, Rlog, BTWRLM483, Penguins, Japanese Aquarium, Sri Lanka, Wickremesinghe, WEF, IMF, Rigging Elections, Force Majeure, Gazprom, Gas Flows, Germany, Rhine River, Nord Stream, Feeding Machine, Hero of the Day, Dehumanization, Israel, Airstrikes, Gaza, Biden, Nuclear Weapons, Apartheid Regime, Khashoggi, Arms Deal, Demoncracy, White Phosphorus, Shelling, Donetsk, Donbass, Kneecapped, American Energy, Fauci, Dr Birx, Oversold Vaccines, ALTERED Reports, Cooking The Books, Staffing Shortage, Methodist, Hospital, Houston, Twitter, Censorship, California Man, Bad Luck, Pride, Life Style, Venereal Disease, Tecovirimat, Deagel, Genome Poisoned, Pig Hearts, transplant, Dead People, Granny, Gramps, Ventilator, Zombie Army, Chaos, Airports, ArriveCANuckistan, CANuckistan, Nonfraudulent Exigency

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – July 24, 2022.
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – May 29, 2022

Killing Innocence Profitably, Massacres On Schedule, Ruby Ridge Redux, Cops Misappropriate Funds, Warrantless Surveillance, Undetectable MoneyPox, Gates7+ Bio-weapon Attacks, Reset Kill Phase, Global Pain Plan, Neutral Means Neutral, Zio-NAZI Embrace, US Unconscionability Profits Russia, It Is Bad When, Animal Persons, Twittertanic $150Mil Ride, Rlog, BTWRLM475, Uvalde, Mass Shooting, Randy Weaver, Ruby Ridge, Court Rules, Highland Park, Tennessee, Private Property, Wildlife Officers, DHS Surveillance, Profiling, MoneyPox, Monkeypox, BARDA, Serbia, Pandemic Readiness, Bill Gates, Technocrat Plan, Global Takeover, Deagel, Global Population, Pain, Suffer, Global Transition, GAZPROM, Russia, Ukraine, Kissinger, WEF, Klaus Schwab, Digital Currency, Tesla, Russian Oil, Somalia, Bezos, Biden, Misdirection, NATO War, Twittertanic, Phone Numbers, Target Ads

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – May 29, 2022
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – May 15, 2022

Algorithm Your God, AI Is ALL, Data Acquisition Vulnerabilities, Deceivers Disinforming, B[I]S Master Currency, Power Hungry Technocracy, Brain Deadening Genetics, Compounding Errors, Leading Cause Disinformers, Communicated Irreparable Harm, Ill-gotten Gains, Rlog, BTWRLM473, DARPA, WEF, Algorithms, Remote Lockout, Brain Computer Interface, Immigration, Stolen Election, Digital Identity, mmWave, Smart Repeater, Social Credit System, EU, Refuse To Be Slaves, BIS, CBDC, Genetically Edited, Human Breast Milk, Lab-grown, Pig Heart, Pig Virus, Misinformation, Elon Musk, Kamala Harris, Bill Gates, Test Positive, Pandemic Over, Fauci, Shanghai, Lockdown, Mass Psychosis, Children To Suffer, Secret Payments, Global Surveillance Pact, WHO Admits, CDC Tracked, Corbett, Knightly, Global Pandemic Treaty, Draconian, Artificial Intelligence

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – May 15, 2022