The poor would especially benefit from a justice system based on nonaggression. Dr. Mary J. Ruwart
For humankind, political freedom is not a luxury. Liberty determines how wealthy we are and how long we live. Our willingness to let others be free may be a necessary prerequisite to our own personal happiness.
The poor would especially benefit from a justice system based on nonaggression.
Indeed, police brutality, most often directed at the disadvantaged, would be rare in a fully privatized police system.
Private police would not be able to invoke sovereign immunity and could be held *personally* liable for any brutality toward those whom they apprehended.

Today, poor victims have no recourse when the prosecutor chooses to work with high-profile victims instead.
The prosecutor has an exclusive, tax-subsidized government monopoly on bringing criminal charges.
Without this exclusive license, victims could hire lawyers of their choice to prosecute or could prosecute the case personally.
Victims would not be forced to pay taxes for a prosecutor who wouldn’t help them.
Even a poor victim would have little trouble attracting competent counsel to sue on their behalf on contingency, because the anticipated restitution could cover legal fees and court costs.
However, prosecutions made to intimidate or bankrupt a poor defendant are less likely when false accusers must make up for the damage that they do. ( ___________________________________

Author, "Healing Our World"
Dr. Mary J. Ruwart is a research scientist, ethicist, and a libertarian author/activist.
Currently, Dr. Ruwart serves as Chair of Liberty International and Secretary of the Foundation for a Free Society. She has been an At-Large member of the Libertarian National Committee , served on the Board of both the Heartland Institute (Michigan Chapter) and the Fully Informed Jury Amendment Association. Read Her Blogs At:

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☆ A Ponder Gander by Vincent Easley II ▪︎ Real Liberty Media: comparing history to the events of today for an expectation of the future, for our world and mankind as a whole. Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. ☆ ____________________________