"We Were Born For This Time" LaVoy Finicum's Stand For Freedom #LibertyRising

On more than one occasion, LaVoy spoke of what an honor it was to stand for liberty and he punctuated this statement by enthusiastically reminding me that, "We were born for this time!"

Sunday the 26th of January will be the 9th year since LaVoy was murdered by the OSP and Obama's FBI, headed by James Comey. Time moves on whether you want it to or not, whether your're ready or not. We miss his presence in our family terribly. LaVoy's legacy lives on through his posterity, which he cherished above all. When he died we had 19 grandchildren. This December we welcomed our 44th grandchild. We have truly been blessed! Thank you to all of you who have remembered him and our family during this day and throughout the past nine years. It would have been so hard without you. We love you all! Thank you again! May God bless you and this United States of America.

One Cowboy's Stand For Freedom

One Cowboys Stand for Freedom – Defend the Constitution

"When I first received a letter in the summer of 2015 asking if I'd like to interview a local author about his new book, I almost passed on the opportunity. That all changed when I was speaking with the author on the phone and he mentioned that he too had been at Bundy Ranch on April 12, 2014.

I knew I needed to hear about his experience and so I welcomed him on my radio show.

From the first time I shook his hand, I knew LaVoy Finicum was a great man. There was an authenticity and spirit of goodness about him that was unmistakable. I came to appreciate his ability to speak truth to power in clear and unequivocal terms.

His love for liberty was second only to his love for God and his family.

On more than one occasion, LaVoy spoke of what an honor it was to stand for liberty and he punctuated this statement by enthusiastically reminding me that, "We were born for this time!"

Over the next few months, I had LaVoy on my radio show several times. In the middle of the occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon, LaVoy surprised me by driving to Cedar City and joining me on my show yet again.

Later that evening, following a meeting with a number of friends and area ranchers, I gave LaVoy a hug goodbye and urged him to come home sooner than later.

I didn't want to admit it at the time but I felt finality in that hug and I genuinely feared for his safety.

Less than two weeks later, my friend was shot to death in an ambush set up by frightened enforcers acting under the color of law. I managed to keep it together until my little girl asked me why I was sad.

Over the next two weeks, I was approached by numerous people who had heard LaVoy on my radio program and who felt the power of his message. Their sorrow was palpable.

Interestingly, during that same time period, no less than 4 different individuals--all unknown to each other--comforted me by reminding me that I "was born for this time." By about the third time I heard this phrase, I sensed that the Universe was sending me a message of reassurance.

By the fourth time, I was certain of it.

LaVoy Finicum's earthly journey may have ended on that snowy roadside but I have no doubt that he is still very much a part of the eternal battle for freedom.

RIP, my friend, and God bless and keep your loved ones until the day you are all reunited." – Bryan Hyde

Hyde In Plain Sight | Bryan Hyde | Substack
Truths, principles and practices that bring purpose and peace. Click to read Hyde In Plain Sight, by Bryan Hyde, a Substack publication with hundreds of subscribers.
The Bryan Hyde Show - Revel In Wrongthink
Thoughtful, informative commentary and interviews for people who delight in thinking for themselves. This show won’t tell you what to think but it will definitely encourage you to think more clearly and independently about the world around us. The goal is to leave you more certain of who you are and what you stand for.

We have been taking these last few days in dedication to the memory of LaVoy Finicum and his Stand For Freedom #LibertyRising

Bryan Hyde has graciously presented the archives that have been scrubbed from the internet of his last interview with LaVoy for me to share now here with you.
     Respectively, your host Vincent Easley II

These are the last interviews from LaVoy Finicum with Bryan Hyde before being coldly shot down dead by the Oregon State Police and FBI n the snow in Oregon, January 26, 2016.

Pt. 1

Pt. 2

Pt. 3

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